1-7 Couples - Red(W) vs blue team Blue starts fucking red team but fall out with each other man knocks out woman red team double team him. 8-11 Death Fight - Mirta(winner) vs Ava(loser) 12-16 Death Fight - Mirta(loser) vs Ava(winner 17-32 The Favour - Two fights (1) Sonia in black vs Heather in pink Sonia wins (2) Temis & Valentina(W) fight in a tag match.Temis and Bernie also fuck. 33-36 Little Alice - Kalia vs Alice(W). 37-41 Failed Revenge - Ivy wants revenge on Derek because he gave her man a beating Derek wins. 42-46 She is mine - Marlene vs shemale they fight and fuck. 47-52 Space Cage - A fight in space bald headed woman wins. 53-61 Small Kill - Two fights yellow team destroys red team then fight each other black hair woman wins. 63-74 The Bite - Naked couples fight one man and woman die from each team then dark hair woman kills the man to win. 75-81 Invincible - Valentina believes she is invincible she gets destroyed pretty one sided.