Ja ja Esta galeria game CG la subo solo por que me dio trabajo completar el juego, es un juego de rapidez ojo mano si les interesa es bastante facil de conseguir (aunque no se los recomiendo si son de reflejos ojo mano lentos)
Although it is a game it shall be considered western according to the flowchart: http://ehwiki.org/wiki/Gallery_Categories#Flow_Chart
It might seem incorrect to some, but by opinion of majority it is correct to reclass this to western. The discussion (that happened not long ago) about allowing some western galleries into gamecg and imageset categories can be found here: https://forums.ehentaihip.cc/index.php?showtopic=176457 (note that even by the proposed option there this gallery would still likely fall into western).
I hate this game with a passion. I literally broke my mouse back when it was posted to e621. The ONLY thing that kept me going was that some people said her vagoo looked like a pigs nose. I wasn't disappointed in that department, but this is not something I would fap to. >_>