Base +5, Coconoloco +5, Regnells +5, ilovethishit +6, xx195x +7, Ghostface211 +1, hacklol +6, JackM2000 +5, Anony12788 +9, newguy2012a +7, Krugger +6, wertweet +8, satouame +6, and 11 more...
Base +12, CrossD +11, Regnells +5, IvanZ +6, JohnGB0083 +6, Neopheonix0 +6, hacklol +6, hakkai999 +6, MechWarriorNY +7, skellybelly +7, JackM2000 +5, kobatochandaisuki +5, kaorok +6, and 24 more...
Base +6, nawi +7, Regnells +5, Drops of Honey +6, Romi the Byzantine +6, Dikastes +6, JohnGB0083 +6, Fighnjaci +5, Anonyslime +8, Neopheonix0 +6, hacklol +6, Zippy8k +7, basby +3, and 49 more...
Posted on 05 April 2015, 01:19 by:
nabusco Score
Base +6, Drops of Honey +6, Romi the Byzantine +6, bloggbigg +9, Dikastes +6, ilovethishit +6, Ghostface211 +1, Boshima +2, Neopheonix0 +6, hacklol +6, Gh1 +5, MechWarriorNY +7, Rockstopper +12, and 34 more...
Posted on 05 April 2015, 02:52 by:
Orsinial Score
Base +6, Qwerty Bam +4, observer1980 +21
Posted on 05 April 2015, 03:26 by:
dap00 Score
Base +19, Dikastes +6, ilovethishit +6, N-tan +4, JackMorrison +7, hacklol +6, MechWarriorNY +7, Illkaras +6, Anony12788 +9, newguy2012a +7, lansquenete +8, Merizimpower +3, Malethy +7, and 14 more...
Posted on 05 April 2015, 04:15 by:
redbone Score
Base +14, observer1980 +21, Bulopu +13
Posted on 05 April 2015, 04:29 by:
Thomazbr Score
Base +6, Ghostface211 +1, JackMorrison +7, Romi the Byzantine +6, Illkaras +6, xkillo777 +6, gandexf4 +9, Qwerty Bam +4, Megaton +8, observer1980 +21, Raimoundo +6, LordJebe +7, Bulopu +13, and 4 more...
Posted on 05 April 2015, 05:02 by:
Darktaka Score
Base +5, Qwerty Bam +4, observer1980 +21, Feladrance +4, Raimoundo +6, Dinosars +6, as102 +10
Base +2, newguy2012a +7, lansquenete +8, Qwerty Bam +4, observer1980 +21, goblock +6
Base +6, newguy2012a +7, Qwerty Bam +4, observer1980 +21, wertweet +8, Dinosars +6
Posted on 05 April 2015, 13:00 by:
tscecest Score
Base +6, grobe01 +8, MechWarriorNY +7, wisky_t +6, Illkaras +6, xkillo777 +6, Qwerty Bam +4, Megaton +8, observer1980 +21, Feladrance +4, LordJebe +7, Bulopu +13, lordbaldur +5, and 4 more...
Posted on 05 April 2015, 14:57 by:
piyin Score
Base +23, FO-Bakayarou +8, wisky_t +6, Krugger +6, Qwerty Bam +4, Megaton +8, 3xiled +5, observer1980 +21, Raimoundo +6, Dinosars +6, Bedbin +13
Posted on 05 April 2015, 21:27 by:
oheye Score
Base +8, Qwerty Bam +4, observer1980 +21, Bulopu +13
Posted on 06 April 2015, 03:24 by:
Palaxius Score
Base +33, lansquenete +8, Daktyl198 +6, Qwerty Bam +4, observer1980 +21, necrosis527 -9, Braltewrakcus +9
Posted on 07 April 2015, 06:10 by:
Hezard Score
Base +6, observer1980 +21, Dinosars +6
Posted on 08 April 2015, 11:10 by:
whade Score
Base +6, Qwerty Bam +4, observer1980 +21
Base +7, Qwerty Bam +4, observer1980 +21
Posted on 11 April 2015, 07:57 by:
ElZilcho Score
Base +6, paradise +6, lansquenete +8, satouame +6, Qwerty Bam +4, MechWarriorNY +7, observer1980 +21, necrosis527 +9, Dinosars +6, Junichi069 +6
Base +7, Qwerty Bam +4, observer1980 +21, Dinosars +6
Base +6, Qwerty Bam +4, Sebos +7, observer1980 +21, Murderbot +10, Feladrance +4, strawtea +5, Zorkil86 +5, thaysd +5, aukxn +19, Bulopu +13, goblock +6, Dinosars +6, and 4 more...
Base +6, Feladrance +4, bfdbfdbfd +6, Romi the Byzantine +7, Dinosars +6
Posted on 01 October 2017, 07:47 by:
Enki17 Score
Base +10
Posted on 14 August 2020, 10:42 by:
Byakuryuu Score
Base +6