Base +3, Xavier Blitz +7, Dushmanster +8, queeneuphy +6, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, Tufao -7, kidzukare +7, Askhandar +6, HikariNiwa +6, yaoiboi +6, Kara-King +2, amestris21 +8, animadversion +5, and 38 more...
Posted on 25 March 2015, 22:49 by:
BaperNu Score
Base +8, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, Askhandar +6, HikariNiwa +6, yaoiboi +6, amestris21 +8, animadversion +5, Equilibrant +7, Enki17 +9, Maxsteele +7, p187 +7, as102 +9, IMNC +6, and 24 more...
Base +6, the observer +6, yaoiboi +6, Kara-King +2, Enki17 +9, Maxsteele +7, shuntensatsu +12, Qwerty Bam +4, Megaton +36
Base +6, yaoiboi +6, animadversion +5, Enki17 +9, Maxsteele +7, Bulopu -11, shuntensatsu +12, Qwerty Bam +4, Dinosars +6
Posted on 26 March 2015, 00:54 by:
LoganX87 Score
Base +3, Slayyer70 -7, Enki17 -9, Maxsteele +7, p187 -7, Bulopu -11, Too_Many_Baka -6, Ishap -7, GamerNovel -12, Qwerty Bam -4
Posted on 26 March 2015, 02:51 by:
theexile Score
Base +7, Enki17 +9, Maxsteele +7, p187 +7, Qwerty Bam +4, KumagawaM +6
Base +6, Enki17 +9, Maxsteele +7, Bulopu -11, john34404 +7, ShadowMKII +6, shuntensatsu +12, Magrinho5 +15, Qwerty Bam +4, tacoda +7
Posted on 26 March 2015, 03:46 by:
Noata Score
Last edited on 26 March 2015, 04:12.
Base +7, Maxsteele +7, aurst +5, Qwerty Bam +4
Base +7, Bulopu -11, BPuff +6, shuntensatsu +12, Dikastes +6, Qwerty Bam +4, tacoda +7, Dinosars +6
Base +6, monkeyscream +6, Qwerty Bam +4
Posted on 26 March 2015, 05:36 by:
ukshadow Score
Base +6, belo2468 +5, Athsjjsshjjshfj +5, Rocktail +5, Gh1 +5, Enki17 +9, Qwerty Bam +4
Posted on 26 March 2015, 06:14 by:
Hezard Score
Base +6, Ryo75 -12, cirele +5, sikdy +17, SeedyHedonist -6, Enki17 -9, Qwerty Bam +4
Posted on 26 March 2015, 09:30 by:
ART65 Score
Base +6, shuntensatsu +12, Qwerty Bam +4
Posted on 26 March 2015, 14:17 by:
whade Score
Base +6, Qwerty Bam +4
Posted on 26 March 2015, 14:56 by:
H0R0 Score
Last edited on 26 March 2015, 15:17.
Base +7, aurst -5, Qwerty Bam +4
Posted on 26 March 2015, 23:46 by:
masta518 Score
Base +6, Victor DoUrden +12, poste -5, shuntensatsu +12, magico alverman +7, CrossD +11, nowittycomment +6, Anonyslime +8, Rig_Veda +8, kahn0219 +6, MechWarriorNY +7, milflover4 +5, Plutonio -5, and 14 more...
Posted on 21 April 2015, 14:48 by:
chaos98 Score
Base +6, Enki17 +9, Qwerty Bam +4
Base +6, Dinosars +6, kIsho Acrerion Orion -7
Posted on 09 October 2017, 13:39 by:
LordJebe Score
Base +7, Dinosars +6
Posted on 21 April 2021, 00:58 by:
Kochisui Score
Base +6