Posted on 07 April 2015, 21:48 by:
lawl1 Posted on 08 April 2015, 00:14 by:
Algoz Score
Base +2, Bio-Hazard -4, NippleFire +10, Cookiezmaster -3, Qwerty Bam +5, clockbot +5, CCRLH85 +6, europasie +6, Zolnerowich +7, Ost666 +6, Rglass +6, somercet +12
Base +6, Bio-Hazard -4, NippleFire +10, Tofu delivery +7, onlyregistere -14, Dunoirgain. -6, Qwerty Bam -5, singe8 +7, heh...narto -6, howshi -6, Ayylmao123 -5, MsWafer -5, quablachinchin -7, and 5 more...
Posted on 08 April 2015, 01:15 by:
gandexf4 Score
Base +8, Bio-Hazard -4, UnknowDestroyer +7, NippleFire +10, ArnasB +6, lawl1 +12, Hodr +5, nopenopenopee +7, stupid army +7, Dunoirgain. +6, Okenido +6, hotdog22 +7, uzaidi +6, and 43 more...
Posted on 08 April 2015, 01:25 by:
nabusco Score
Base +7, fillin +6, Bio-Hazard -4, NippleFire +10, myoxy +9, nopenopenopee +7, PhillipOliverfields +5, 06cloud +6, abuchino +6, Gumak +14, uzaidi +6, Otaku Soniz +4, aliolisasha +4, and 22 more...
Base +5, PhillipOliverfields +5, nopenopenopee +7, 06cloud +6, BPuff +6, Cookiezmaster +3, Desuw +4, Skand +9, traversal +10, Giovannihur +5, uzaidi +6, brolloz +4, Lostalgia +4, and 57 more...
Posted on 08 April 2015, 02:35 by:
marc455 Score
Base +7, KillerCLbee +6, mrweezyer +7, Tankman4521 +6, bobnick23 +6, LoXo +8, Cookiezmaster +3, Zyazyxyz -5, maipantsu +20, p187 +7, Giovannihur +5, uzaidi +6, brolloz +4, and 20 more...
Posted on 08 April 2015, 02:48 by:
bagiaaa Score
Base +10, nopenopenopee +7, Raift +6, spr33 +10, AloofSloth +8, subbesnubben +6, onlyregistere -14, MrPonty +2, DarknessofDeath +5, Qwerty Bam +5, Zerotation +6, Shinryu-Rex +6, somercet +11
Posted on 08 April 2015, 03:37 by:
memnarch Score
Base +10, LordPants +6, Zyazyxyz +5, uzaidi +6, HulkNorris +7, onlyregistere -14, lansquenete +8, MrPonty -2, Qwerty Bam +5
Posted on 08 April 2015, 04:25 by:
iamclu Score
Base +6, brolloz +4, onlyregistere -14, Qwerty Bam +5, MrPonty +5, DarkCocoon +6
Posted on 08 April 2015, 05:17 by:
Gespens Score
Base +7, Dark Mac -10, Thanks +7, AloofSloth +8, DarkCocoon +6
Base +6, Raift +6, AloofSloth +8, closet +6, uzaidi +6, onlyregistere -14, Qwerty Bam +5, rt2hot +7, somercet +11, J0nh +6
Base +5, abuchino -6, milch00 -7, Okenido -6, uzaidi -6, extin954 -4, p187 -7, Raift -6, taromilkshake +5, AloofSloth -8, A Broken Lamp -7, Bipolar Hernandez +6, 06cloud -6, and 6 more...
Base +13, satouame +6, abuchino +6, aliolisasha +4, Vezirw +6, AloofSloth +8, uzaidi +6, ourob +5, onlyregistere -14, Shinryu-Rex +5, lansquenete +8, DarknessofDeath +5, Qwerty Bam +5, and 6 more...
Posted on 08 April 2015, 15:59 by:
Seiguld Score
Base +7, Dark Mac -10, mahoujuko -5, Okenido -6, subbesnubben -6, MsWafer -5, Benny-boy -28, Hyoros -16
Base +9, mahoujuko -5, Thanks +7, AloofSloth -8, subbesnubben +6, onlyregistere -14, uzaidi -10, Hyoros +16
Posted on 08 April 2015, 20:35 by:
qz89 Score
Base +6, Raift +6, AloofSloth +8, subbesnubben +6, Qwerty Bam +5, uzaidi +10
Base +6, Raift +6, AloofSloth +8, uzaidi +6, Yarp -6, HulkNorris +7, subbesnubben +6, heh...narto +6, lansquenete +8, 9solid8 +4, Qwerty Bam +5, Shinryu-Rex +6, vfjTgw +13, and 5 more...
Posted on 09 April 2015, 00:59 by:
lemeres Score
Base +7, Dark Mac +10, aliolisasha +4, maipantsu +20, Okenido +6, extin954 +4, uzaidi +6, hotdog22 +7, gunsn1per +6, gamergay +6, xDraygon +6, heh...narto +6, pl0 +4, and 8 more...
Base +1, Qwerty Bam -5, Zolnerowich +7, uzaidi +10
Posted on 10 April 2015, 02:35 by:
Algoz Score
Base +2, Okenido -6, Qwerty Bam -5, uzaidi -10, BakaG -6, Hyoros -16, somercet +12
Base +8, brolloz +4, Raift +6, onlyregistere -14, Gil T. Pleizure +6, MrPonty +2, DarknessofDeath +5, Gorgorutos +6, Qwerty Bam +5, heh...narto +6, Shinryu-Rex +6, vfjTgw +13, uzaidi +10, and 4 more...
Last edited on 02 May 2015, 23:35.
Base +2, Raift +6, Qwerty Bam +5, uzaidi +10, BakaG +6
Base +6, Air Rider +9, onlyregistere -14, Fakeplastic +6, Pissflitsche +4, ziggyb -7, Zolnerowich +7, MyraLune -7, qwertz789 +6, saibatenshi +6, J0nh +6, somercet +12, The_Shadow +6
Base +5, JJAM420 +6, Gil T. Pleizure +6, Qwerty Bam +5, anon39405 +5, sweetpotato +6, MyraLune +7, Shinryu-Rex +6, uzaidi +10, Ost666 +5, rorikon69 +6, The_Shadow +6
Posted on 18 August 2015, 01:55 by:
Arkper Score
Base +8, loliloliloliloliloli -6, anon39405 +5, Joxepe +7, Walroose +6, somercet +11, Hyoros +16
Base +8, Radli +6, Hyoros -16, DarkCocoon +6
Last edited on 15 August 2017, 21:21.
Base +40, somercet +11