Posted on 28 April 2015, 01:06 by:
JBVMND Base +5, ShadowMKII +6, Natsam +13, Akael +8, Pr0pane +6, Uberfish +4, shuntensatsu +12, Victor DoUrden +12, shckwv +10, as102 +9, HentaiM@ster +7, andrewijk +8, rubenburgt +5, and 26 more...
Posted on 28 April 2015, 01:56 by:
kenabrxg Score
Base +3, ShadowMKII +6, Ghostface211 +1, Knife Prty +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, Pr0pane +6, Sadeyo +6, Akael +8, nowittycomment +6, hwilliams +11, Uberfish +4, zam005 +8, shuntensatsu +12, and 70 more...
Posted on 28 April 2015, 02:00 by:
chise87 Score
Base +7, ShadowMKII +6, Pr0pane +6, D6- +7, Natsam +13, slutgirl +6, Jangowuzhere -7, lain9 +4, imercenary -9, Dimitro +6, shckwv +10, as102 +9, Eyriol +7, and 44 more...
Base +7, Super Shanko +15, Guiliant +9, Chained +6, BPuff +6, kooko +6, deathkey3 +10, Awa2ub17 +4, Bulopu -11, queeneuphy +6, RagerDaPrince +6, Aristocatification +7, pedrick440 +5, and 6 more...
Posted on 28 April 2015, 03:38 by:
lapan Score
Base +7, Victor DoUrden +12, Bulopu -11, kiciek +5, Zolnerowich +6, grankuwaga +6, Wing X Custom +6, drannoc +9, clad95 +6
Base +5, onlyregistere +14, UnknowDestroyer +7, Viktorious +5, DaymanMasterOfKarate +7, IssacClarke +9, Pexkool +6, RainXD +6, Guiliant +9, 1349-Kun +7, Aristocatification +7, Eyriol +7, cochrane +8, and 8 more...
Base +8, rubenburgt +5, kiciek +5, grankuwaga +6, Eyriol +7, Encuilion +6, Goofy1 +6, butt1234123412341234 +5, clad95 +6
Base +9, glib24 +5, shuntensatsu +12, Awa2ub17 +4, LegoArielFanMaster +8, Jedah12 +8, Bulopu +11, Kishagi +7, UnknowDestroyer +7, alphaokami +6, 1349-Kun +7, grankuwaga +6, kiciek +5, and 7 more...
Base +7, Martacusso +3, wisky_t +6, VeroZero +5, MIl0rd +6, Bulopu +11, Nemesis2000 +6, JukanX +15, kiciek +5, Aristocatification +7, Wing X Custom +6, Goofy1 +6, butt1234123412341234 +5, and 4 more...
Posted on 28 April 2015, 07:21 by:
Gackt1 Score
Base +8
Base +4, Bulopu +11, JukanX +15, UnknowDestroyer +7, bogox94 +4, Kiriax +9, anonidut +1, 1349-Kun +7, Goofy1 +6, butt1234123412341234 +5, OJC +6, DudeGamer +1, clad95 +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 28 April 2015, 09:40 by:
Lockaim Score
Base +6, Bulopu -11, qwaszxxzsawq +7, ElfWarrior +6, Wing X Custom +6, butt1234123412341234 +5, OJC +6, DudeGamer +1, clad95 +6
Posted on 28 April 2015, 13:57 by:
TopGun22 Score
Base +19, yucaorz +7, Nemesis2000 +6, alphaokami +6, Aristocatification +7, Goofy1 +6, butt1234123412341234 +5, ontorfel +7, DudeGamer +1
Posted on 28 April 2015, 14:19 by:
unoshot Score
Base +7, DudeGamer -3
Posted on 28 April 2015, 15:13 by:
MadDan Score
Base +5, Bulopu +11, Kishagi +7, Cols +1, UnknowDestroyer +7, Viktorious +5, Kiriax +9, Mister Guest +7, no_one_11 +6, Eyriol +7, Inuyan +3, cochrane +8, Wing X Custom +6, and 8 more...
Base +11, Bulopu +11, Nemesis2000 +6, kiciek +5, strippinheat +9, Eyriol +7, Wing X Custom +6, Goofy1 +6, enkithemighty +7, pervM +6, GGS +10, DudeGamer +1, clad95 +6
Posted on 28 April 2015, 17:41 by:
eibhlin Score
Base +7, Shekkey +6, kikimaru024 +14, Viktorious +5, bogox94 +4, Epion09 +14, anonidut +1, Pexkool +6, 1349-Kun +7, Eyriol +7, Goofy1 +6, butt1234123412341234 +5, enkithemighty +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 28 April 2015, 17:44 by:
ybstcc Score
Base +7, kikimaru024 +14, butt1234123412341234 +5, DudeGamer -3
Posted on 28 April 2015, 18:01 by:
Jiver Score
Base +6, qwaszxxzsawq +7, Travesty -8, Inuyan +3, DudeGamer -3
Base +6, Travesty +8, Wing X Custom +6, greenpeon +8, ontorfel +7, DudeGamer +1, CrazyMEtal +7, clad95 +6
Posted on 29 April 2015, 06:06 by:
sameo15 Score
Base +1, Epion09 +14, pokkoncho +8, Inuyan +3, DudeGamer +1, tonyxxx +7
Base +6, Wing X Custom +6, DudeGamer -3
Base +6, Nausea -6, Travesty -8, DarksoulVan -6, Wing X Custom -6, greenpeon -8, Paff444 -14, DudeGamer -1, soupaspide -4, clad95 -6, baneonplane -8
Base +6, Travesty -8, Inuyan +3, Wing X Custom -6, ontorfel +7, GGS -10, Paff444 -14, DudeGamer -1, soupaspide -4, CrazyMEtal -7, clad95 -6, baneonplane -8
Base +7, Inuyan +3, Wing X Custom -6, DudeGamer -3, chipie-OH -7
Base +10, thrall-lal +6, Inuyan +3, Goofy1 +6, DudeGamer -3
Posted on 15 July 2015, 02:33 by:
Oushaku Score
Base +5, Inuyan +3, DudeGamer -3
Posted on 19 September 2015, 21:23 by:
jirt9 Score
Base +1, greenpeon +8, OJC -6, GGS +10, Gosei -6, k00 -6, Bruzer567 -6, notfunnyguy -6, clad95 +6, efb -6
Base +7, Wing X Custom +6, greenpeon +8, GGS +10, DudeGamer +1
Base +4, hornywing +6, Grimrabbit +8, DudeGamer +1, notfunnyguy +6, clad95 +6, Lolwey +4, captcarisma +31