Base +2, Karism +8, Armada Du +6, animadversion +5, Xetton +6, Awa2ub17 +4, r3isk -1, SCSS -16, SnakeOX +2, Chilean_Guy +6, Pillowgirl -20, asdjuan +6, HallowedAtrain +6, and 29 more...
Base +7, Awa2ub17 +4, r3isk -1, SCSS -16, Chilean_Guy +6, Pillowgirl -20, HallowedAtrain +6, Astrea +6, Bio-Hazard -5, theblad +10, Zaiup -5, notdapooper +9, CPR +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 04 May 2015, 21:10 by:
ashtron Score
Base +7, Awa2ub17 +4, SCSS -16, SnakeOX +2, Pillowgirl -20, Zaiup -5, Crono121 +6, notverycreative +12, HallowedAtrain +6, Astrea +6, Bio-Hazard -5, theblad +10, you are pants -9, and 22 more...
Posted on 04 May 2015, 22:54 by:
Narumanu Score
Base +5, Astrea +6, Bio-Hazard -5, theblad -10, asdjuan +6, H-P -8, Zaiup -5, Holyfang +5, notdapooper +9, Zaolao +7, Stellaris +8
Base +10, Zaiup -5, asdjuan -6, Astrea -6, azrin -7, Slyder -7, Bio-Hazard +5, theblad +10, gibbyz -6, you are pants +9, Holyfang -5, notdapooper -9, lisemer -6, and 9 more...
Base +6, HallowedAtrain +6, Astrea +6, Bio-Hazard -5, theblad +10, H-P -8, you are pants -9, Zaiup -5, notdapooper +9, Blacksun123 +5, CPR +6, Extra Output Zero -4, 232321 +7, and 10 more...
Base +12, you are pants -9, Zaiup -5, Brego1 -6, hihohahi -28, kobatochandaisuki -6, DarkSideOfTheWall -4, Rouge・ -31
Base +7, H-P -8, Mr. Orange -6, Zaiup -5, LegoArielFanMaster -8, rolamon -7, Zaolao +7, Tagtagger -9, fappingfury -7, baka gaijin -8, Zantos -6, Master1138 -8, Rouge・ -31, and 1 more...
Base +10, Zaolao +7, Hilarity +6, Albedo28 +7, fappingfury +7, baka gaijin +8, H-P -8, kobatochandaisuki +6, Karnoffel +7
Base +6, silf_FFR-41MR -10, rolamon +7, SillyGoy +6, Zaolao +7, Hilarity +6, Albedo28 +7, baka gaijin +8, Sereaphim +7, H-P -8, MechWarriorNY +7, The GIlgamesh +6, DarkSideOfTheWall +4, and 4 more...
Base +7, allsystemsbakkoi -5
Posted on 21 June 2018, 09:14 by:
giftz Score
Base +16, Red of EHCOVE -40