Posted on 16 May 2015, 14:04 by:
potocat Base +5, saturnine +7, ZakuIII +7, qwertzy12 +8, pnx073 -7, potocat +8, theblad -10, Demicol +6, Dan75 +9, peekingpanda +6, Nigata -6, DocPropane +6, Burningblade04 -6, and 16 more...
Base +6, nonegiven +6, -anon- -11, flips +2, bahbahsheep +8, Taedium +6, potocat +8, theblad +10, peekingpanda +6, lordfrog +8, Nimnthor +20, DocPropane +6, GNU/Linux +5, and 11 more...
Posted on 16 May 2015, 18:52 by:
Katzius Score
Base +5, bahbahsheep +8, flips +2, Taedium +6, asxr +23, potocat +8, theblad +10, peekingpanda +6, lordfrog -8, GNU/Linux +5, Syokool +6, Wererat +7, Rubyfruit Pixie +6, and 21 more...
Base +12, flips +2, Taedium +6, potocat +8, Nimnthor +20, Rubyfruit Pixie +6, Gattix +6, Burningblade04 +6, Bobangock +6, EsotericSatire -27, RLeader +6, DoctorDove +10, SPitts -10, and 2 more...
Posted on 16 May 2015, 19:03 by:
mcCo Score
Base +7, flips +2, Taedium +6, potocat +8, peekingpanda +6, Nimnthor +20, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire -27, SPitts -10, Mantama +9
Base +12, flips +2, Taedium +6, potocat +8, Nimnthor +20, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire +27, SPitts -10, Mantama +8
Base +6, flips +2, Taedium +6, potocat +8, Nimnthor +20, Wererat +7, Burningblade04 +6, Bobangock +6, EsotericSatire -27, RLeader +6, DoctorDove +10, SPitts -10, Mantama +8, and 2 more...
Base +12, Taedium +6, potocat +8, Nimnthor +20, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire +27, DoctorDove +10, SPitts -10, Mantama +8
Base +6, Taedium +6, flips +2, potocat +8, Nimnthor +20, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire +27, SPitts -10, Mantama +8
Base +6, Taedium +6, potocat +8, flips +2, Nimnthor +20, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire +27, Gloomweaver +3, Quatro Bajina +6, SPitts -10, Mantama +8
Base +6, potocat +8, simplesimon32 +25, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire -27, SPitts -10, Mantama +8
Base +6, potocat +8, flips +2, waltergeist +8, Nimnthor +20, Taedium +6, Syokool +6, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire +27, SPitts -10, Mantama +8
Base +12, potocat +8, flips +2, Ryo75 +12, Nimnthor +20, Taedium +6, HiragaSaito +7, simplesimon32 +25, Dark Mac +10, peekingpanda +6, Balsamic +9, Syokool +6, watcher42 +5, and 12 more...
Base +6, potocat +8, flips +2, Taedium +6, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire +27, SPitts -10, Mantama +8, Quatro Bajina +6
Base +6, potocat +8, flips +2, Taedium +6, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire +27, Mantama +8
Posted on 16 May 2015, 22:45 by:
lolihat Score
Base +7, Smuthunter +6, Koromaru +7, Dan75 +9, flips +2, Taedium +6, FatSpanner +6, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire +27, Kona-chan +7, Quatro Bajina +6, sable1 +21, SPitts +10, and 2 more...
Base +6, flips +2, Taedium +6, simplesimon32 +25, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire -27, didyourikeit +7, Mantama +8
Base +6, flips +2, Taedium +6, @43883 +34, EsotericSatire -27, didyourikeit +7, Mantama +8, Quatro Bajina -6
Posted on 17 May 2015, 04:07 by:
Nosho Score
Base +6, Taedium +6, dnbdave -28, Syokool -6, st33lrain -4, Burningblade04 -6, ichaos -17, nonegiven -6, Bobangock -6, PersonaFan08 -14, Ryo75 -12, Kona-chan -7, Rouge・ -30
Base +6, Nimnthor +20, Taedium +6, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire -27, Mantama +8
Base +14, Taedium +6, Shozuma +8, Burningblade04 +6, Dhuran +6, brandivolgio +7, EsotericSatire -27, ZarisaHime -8, Quatro Bajina +6, DoctorDove +10, Mantama +8, novichock +6, Kona-chan +7
Base +6, Taedium +6, simplesimon32 +25, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire +27, DoctorDove +10, Mantama +8
Base +12, Taedium +6, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire -27, DoctorDove +10, Mantama +8
Base +9, Taedium +6, Burningblade04 +6, Frygon +10, EsotericSatire -27, Quatro Bajina +6, sable1 +21, DoctorDove +10, Mantama +9
Base +12, Taedium +6, HiragaSaito +7, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire -27, DoctorDove +10, Mantama +9
Base +9, simplesimon32 +25, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire -27, Mantama +9
Posted on 17 May 2015, 09:37 by:
mysterys Score
Base +4, Burningblade04 +6, EsotericSatire -27, Ryo75 -12, DoctorDove +10, GGS -10, Quatro Bajina +6, Supervizor -6, Mantama +9, DarkCocoon +6
Posted on 17 May 2015, 13:54 by:
Adelyne Score
Base +5, Burningblade04 +6, @43883 +34, EsotericSatire +27, Kona-chan +7, PersonaFan08 +14, Quatro Bajina +6, Mantama +9, DarkCocoon +6, Mortaza +6
Base +6, Burningblade04 +6, @43883 +34, EsotericSatire -27, PersonaFan08 -14, DoctorDove +10, Quatro Bajina +6, Mantama +9, Mortaza +6
Base +12, Mkerd +6, Burningblade04 +6, akaikem +7, zenith45 +6, EsotericSatire -27, sable1 +21, DoctorDove +10, Mantama +9
Base +6, Burningblade04 +6, Basilone +6, @43883 +34, EsotericSatire -27, DoctorDove +10, AshLockke +6, Mantama +9
Base +6, EsotericSatire -27, Kona-chan -7, Ryo75 -12, ZarisaHime -8, rotar zairo -9, GGS -10, Mantama +9, DarkCocoon +6
Posted on 20 October 2015, 12:00 by:
Manul:3 Score
Base +4, GGS +10, Kona-chan +7, Mantama +9, DarkCocoon +6, Mkerd +6
Posted on 05 March 2023, 07:08 by:
Job John Score
Base +6, Mortaza +6