Posted on 22 May 2015, 09:05 by:
FoLp Score
Base +6, 塔布里斯 +11, DreadGrimReaper +7, wavedash -16, HNTI -25, elgringo +32, Red of EHCOVE +50, StoneFlame +8, Lin Setsu A +21, Markou +4, ehcrim +6, mystery222 +10, darklord1235 +8, and 2 more...
Base +6, Ryo75 +12, DreadGrimReaper +7, KhaosDvorak +6, kobatochandaisuki +6, MercuryLamp +9, HodorHodor +7, Aoiichi +8, darklord1235 +8, Darknessend +6, scrappy135 +7, nasilacus +6
Base +6, Koromaru -7, 塔布里斯 +11, Ryo75 -12, drensley +3, Soranz +6, keronos -5, MercuryLamp -9, superman89 +6, shuichi20nataka +6, Darknessend +6, scrappy135 +7
Base +9, Ryo75 -12, hamzah lol -7, tabris2000 -6, KumagawaM -6, Wuffz -8, gamergay -6, cheg0 -10, JoeCoolSoe -6
Base +19, HNTI +25, Gamble +7, kobatochandaisuki +6, ConvexEd +6, darklord1235 +8, goblock +6, Darknessend +6
Base +7, Wuffz -8, JoeCoolSoe +6, Aoiichi +8
Base +7, lisemer +6, keronos -5, MercuryLamp -9, superman89 +6, Fofotron +6
Posted on 23 May 2015, 06:11 by:
rh75 Score
Base +6, MercuryLamp -9, superman89 +6
Base +10, Wuffz -8, blargion -6, Takepyon -6, Crouch -6, liegard hugo -6, knightdtd -10
Posted on 09 September 2015, 22:13 by:
Brunoxsa Score
Base +6
Posted on 21 December 2016, 06:11 by:
Drode Score
Base +8, jere512 +6
Posted on 26 February 2017, 20:59 by:
dismas Score
Base +6, SirKnightThomas +9, Fofotron +6