Posted on 24 May 2015, 18:20 by:
Soulezz Score
Base +10, Bio-Hazard -5, MrMuffinMan +5, zedyue +9, Grimmomega +6, AshLockke +6, seeker555 +8, PervyYoungman +7, Tikalli +10, gamebustacat +6
Base +12, MarkJames +10, shuntensatsu +12, Miriah +6, Bio-Hazard -5, the observer +6, NailB +13, DanRade +7
Base +7, kendra101 +6, Tufao +7, dnbdave +28, Bio-Hazard -5, the observer +6, Fusrodaah +5, AshLockke +6, Lotrei +6, fiestyferret +2, dobuch +7, NailB +13, nightflight7 +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 15 July 2015, 17:34 by:
keonas Score
Base +7, Cisla +6, MrMuffinMan -5, Timquet +5, gurrenpn +6, dichtungsring +5, Violentin +10, scyph +6, Hentai2Go +8, AshLockke +6, Sol Glacies +6, hhhuuu -6, AlanSlac +6, and 11 more...