[This is what I wrote about your translation of BeNantoka's "Heroine's Shortcut to Success" - I couldn't post it to your wordpress account because the interface was finicky as fuck, so forgive me for taking up space on a different release]: A fine upload! One I'm grateful I can still download after the gallery you created for it was deleted. (God, it was up for what - 12 hours? Glad I caught it.) I've never seen this artist before 'cause all other translations up to now have been of loli stuff (not my bag), so I was pleasantly surprised by it. A well-drawn-and-characterized variation on the "childhood friends" trope, and I especially liked the moments where Youko cartoonized (the entire left half of pg. 155; "Your dreams will come true!"). Again, thanks for a solid release. Turns out I've already read many of your translations. I look forward to many future releases to come.