I was the one who gave them this idea. Here's the original emails;
To: [email protected] Hi! I really like your site and I've subscribed for many months now. One thing I've not seen on your site however is any season artwork. Super Heroines / Villains in seasonal attire. I just thought that it would be awesome to see the Freedom Stars in sultry Christmas lingerie, jingle bells for nipple-clamps and Porkum and some other choice villains with a santa hat, clip-on reindeer horns, and other seasonal attire. I just thought something like this for each major holiday season would be a nice touch and could add some value to your site. I don't want any compensation for the idea, and it's entirely up to you to pursue it. I just like seeing artists add in some novel concepts adding more and more value to their artwork as time goes on. Just a thought. Hope to see some great stuff in the coming months! Cheers!
Thanks for your suggestion. A story showing Porkum as Santa would be great. He could deliver his gift to a lot of heroines!
Anyway we don't produce season stories because it take a lot of work to produce the regular pages. I hope you understand. But I'll try to make that Porkum Christmas story next year.
To: [email protected] Sure thing! I do understand that it takes a lot of work to produce a whole story, but what about a single artwork page per season? It could be featured under a "Season's Greetings" banner sort of like "Artwork". You could have Easter bunnies making the heroines pregnant and giving birth to easter eggs, or halloween costumes for the heroines and villains (I could totally see porkum dressing up as Mrs. Americana! XD), and it could be a single artwork page per season. Just food for thought for you to toss around, and even change the ideas to your liking that will work within your work-load and time-frame. Well, you'll come out with something great like you always do in any case. I look forward to some interesting pages in the next few months. Keep up the excellent work! :D
Thanks again for taking the time to consider this. I'm sure whatever you decide will be welcomed by your members.