Studio Luminal has launched a series of auditions to find the new "Super Model". Irene was the first to appear at the Studio. At the end of the auditions, the winner will participate, as lead actress, at the upcoming erotic film with the working title: "Deep deep deeper!"
The judges are you! Please vote the face, the smile, the breasts, the ass and the... propensity for acting. :-) Thanks!
Slightly wider hips and tighs wouldn't hurt, but that is just my opinion. Also, the vagina looks a bit too beaten up. It would look a bit better if it looked less used.
The rest look very well done. Good job and good luck on any future project.
Huracan has recently been facing some problems. I only know some of the details, and I cannot discuss them in a public forum. The collaboration with me, The Asylum, will be taking a break for a while. I greatly enjoyed developing the plot and writing the text for Hurcan’s excellent artwork, but he was unable to continue. I do not know if he will return, or when he will return. Huracan informed me that he may post some small sets in the future, but nothing is certain. I am sorry I cannot offer more details, but I remain optimistic.