Posted on 06 June 2015, 18:33 by:
semtex Score
Base +7, dhaljarraque +26, shuntensatsu +12, HordonFishman +2, Megaax +4, pihip +6, stupid army +7, isoknight +6, jindoko90 +5, clockbot +5, kobatochandaisuki +6, amancalledtrane +6, snpk +5, and 7 more...
Posted on 06 June 2015, 19:26 by:
Darktaka Score
Last edited on 06 June 2015, 21:23.
Base +5, HordonFishman +2, Megaax +4, AnimeLUZ +8, clockbot +5, suratkabar +4, amancalledtrane +6, Zolnerowich +7, Gtzgold +6, douglas14141 +6, MRVII +8, iCraveThatPorn +5, jindoko90 +6, and 2 more...
Base +14, HordonFishman +2, scoutxr28 +6, Megaax +4, Warrior90 -8, franklintheturtle -3, stupid army +7, Drode +5, clockbot +5, Fighnjaci +5, Deathscythe008 +6, Paizurikin -8, snpk +5, and 20 more...
Base +5, Palaxius -33, AnimeLUZ +8, alkopone -6, luizsell -6, clockbot -5, SightlierGravy +6, DAMatt +5, SnakeOX +4, EX-Zero -8, HASJ2 -8, amancalledtrane -6, Gtzgold +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 06 June 2015, 21:56 by:
Gabaw Score
Base +4, zappzoe +6, clockbot +5, HelmutRegner +6, disposable.respect +5, SightlierGravy +6, DAMatt +5, SnakeOX +4, Incest1234 +8, gamaroguar +6, MISOT +7, HASJ2 +8, Crimson13 +8, and 25 more...
Posted on 06 June 2015, 22:28 by:
TLM1986 Score
Base +6, intervigilium +5, Jago Smith +4, bronze +6, Gtzgold +6, Linksaver +6, micchaelfan +6, KnightBloodZero +6, @djvkf +8, Enterex +6
Base +2, Palaxius -33, Wepeel -5, amancalledtrane +6, disposable.respect +5, HASJ2 +8, uokel -7, Karnoffel +8, rageusran -7, spikeyend -6, funk_u_up -8, BaconBuddha -6, byran47 -6, and 2 more...
Posted on 07 June 2015, 03:28 by:
imaliar Score
Base +6, isoknight +6, Gtzgold +6, @djvkf +8
Posted on 07 June 2015, 03:36 by:
Wurtang Score
Base +5, oieusahuhsa +7, Kenkimaru +7, Avera +7, fadefade +14, Zolnerowich +7, Gtzgold +6, Karnoffel +8, as102 +9, PetersPark +5, micchaelfan +6, voidianoi +6, @djvkf +8, and 1 more...
Posted on 07 June 2015, 09:35 by:
dugi74 Score
Base +6, HelmutRegner +6, @djvkf +8, snpaa +6
Posted on 07 June 2015, 11:36 by:
H0R0 Score
Base +7, Palaxius -33, clockbot -5, bakalicious +6, vanilla-san-san-man -5, rageusran -7, spikeyend -6, @djvkf +8, Z.G. -20
Posted on 07 June 2015, 12:20 by:
rikoreku Score
Last edited on 07 June 2015, 12:37.
Base +6, clockbot +5, amancalledtrane +6, Budda001 +6, Alokrhea1 +6, @djvkf +8, snpaa +6
Posted on 08 June 2015, 07:56 by:
Jerichow Score
Base +1, Darkshadow101 -6, Nahkaparturi +4, xpacbad +6, ThunderKurono +8, Paizurikin +8, thequack1212 -6, SightlierGravy +6, fadefade +14, Kuro Tamashi +5, MISOT +7, Budda001 +6, BartSSJ -10, and 24 more...
Base +5, Kn_Saber +10, bluekid +7, AloofSloth +8, Karnoffel +8, Alokrhea1 +6, zinos6 +8, totaljerklol +6, @djvkf +8
Base +5, Gtzgold +6, Karnoffel +8, @djvkf +8
Posted on 09 June 2015, 05:55 by:
SM0013 Score
Base +1, @djvkf +8
Base +7, biscardone +5, cclover4 +6, thequack1212 -6, ExTeslo85 +3, Zolnerowich +7, Gtzgold +6, @djvkf +8, daicalun07 +6
Last edited on 01 July 2015, 01:12.
Base +1, Vegeterios +6, istle -7, funk_u_up -8, heroko -6, @djvkf +8
Base +5, FMoonedge -6, spikeyend +6, funk_u_up -8, @djvkf +8
Base +3, thequack1212 -6, JohnGB0083 +7, Forsaekn139 +6, @djvkf +8, tobeunforgiven2 +23
Base +7, SightlierGravy +6, GelOKS +7, Gtzgold +6, @djvkf +8, celcius_01 +15
Base +6, @djvkf +8, celcius_01 +15
Posted on 17 November 2015, 16:58 by:
tocaia Score
Last edited on 17 November 2015, 17:22.
Base +4, @djvkf +8, Doutey +9, celcius_01 +15
Base +6, Zolnerowich +7, BaconBuddha +6, Razeroc +6, Refyrsen +7, @djvkf +8, reggmail +6, Johnnyrockmax +6, celcius_01 +15, mdr33flame +7
Base +6, BaconBuddha -6, @djvkf +8
Posted on 30 March 2016, 08:06 by:
Vivi1993 Score
Base +11, Zolnerowich +7, @djvkf +8, Johnnyrockmax +6
Posted on 02 June 2016, 23:31 by:
rozzak Score
Base +6, Dyaus Pita +7, Vegeterios +6, L Carnitine +7, Entelexeia +4, Not@Channer +6, @djvkf +8, Johnnyrockmax +6, mdr33flame +7
Base +6, Not@Channer +6, @djvkf +8, celcius_01 +15
Posted on 03 August 2017, 20:31 by:
Ilyia Score
Base +7, @djvkf +8
Base +6, @djvkf +8, loplopsama -4, officierviewer +6, snpaa +6
Base +7, SightlierGravy -7, Razeroc +6, Not@Channer -6, tyrant1x +6, @djvkf +8, Infamous Ether +6, loplopsama -4, reggmail -6, alexverge -10, Z.G. -20, Doutey +9, Ass Spanker -23, and 2 more...
Base +6, SophisticTheory -7
Posted on 04 April 2021, 06:58 by:
AtotehZ Score
Base +10
Posted on 27 February 2022, 16:25 by:
AlexDKZ Score
Base +6