Base +4, Luke78 +9, stupid army +7, pnx073 +7, Victor DoUrden -12, marcellus345 +5, waj2000 +4, UnknowDestroyer +7, encounter +6, AVCName +3, FreeloaderEX +6, redsword2 +6, Ohisama +6, and 14 more...
Posted on 07 June 2015, 08:11 by:
b1324590 Score
Base +9, nokosan +6, pfniek +8, Ebisan +18, nerpderp +6, Syokool +6, Victor DoUrden +12, JellyTime +9, Kristoph Gavin +6, marcellus345 +5, guy11 +9, happyendlover +2, Headsexplode +9, and 49 more...
Posted on 07 June 2015, 09:24 by:
Darpo88 Score
Base +16, ighdsfgjsdlh +6, Gh1 +5, Kristoph Gavin +6, hell yease +6, Ice_Cream +11, Blue edge +5, splat68 +1, STYDN +6, HodorHodor +8, Porokichin66 +5, PascalR. +2, 410billionbluntz +5, and 3 more...
Base +12, Binah +5, Kenzaki Kazuma +17, baka1472 +5, ancientpower +6, ThunderKurono +8, RLeader +6, bogox +2, waj2000 +4, Ice_Cream +11, mbahgonjo +4, STYDN +6, FreeloaderEX +6, and 9 more...
Base +6, vastolordzen -6, bogox +2, Egman007 +6, AVCName +3, DarioEmpio +6, splat68 +1, efft -6, deadzaku +3, belxebu +7, Vile Mk 2 +10, jere512 +6, kondoriyano +6, and 1 more...
Base +5, vastolordzen -6, Alteisen Riese -7, RottenSoulInjury -3, Egman007 +6, DarioEmpio +6, Rail vehicle fan +5, ifr22k +7
Base +2, vastolordzen -6, Alteisen Riese -7, VeloxVentus -4, Egman007 +6, Hyoros -9, deadzaku -3, Reach -6, kIsho Acrerion Orion -6
Posted on 07 June 2015, 23:34 by:
quandox Score
Base +6, splat68 +1
Base +7, Ebisan +18, JellyTime +9, Hollow_Gaea +6, Kanuro5 +7, bogox +2, Ice_Cream +11, Egman007 +6, AVCName +3, DarioEmpio +6, STYDN +6, FreeloaderEX +6, kishudark -6, and 3 more...
Posted on 08 June 2015, 01:17 by:
Generika Score
Base +19, Ebisan +18, Inimus +1, JellyTime +9, George642 +9, Hollow_Gaea +6, YottaSidedTenshi +6, Ice_Cream +11, UnknowDestroyer +7, AVCName +3, STYDN +6, FreeloaderEX +6, indefinity +6, and 6 more...
Base +4, Kenzaki Kazuma +18, direw +4, PokeNirvash +6, cs997c65gd +4, bogox +2, Ice_Cream +11, LightningNinja2 +6, UnknowDestroyer +7, N1ghtfall +2, indefinity +6, kishudark +6, deadzaku +3, and 3 more...
Posted on 17 August 2015, 04:43 by:
srinpo Score
Base +1, George642 +9, Kanuro5 +7, bogox +2, RockGuy +5, Egman007 +6, AVCName +3, yami_zetsu +17, STYDN +6, HodorHodor +8, kishudark +6, deadzaku +3, Saladofstones +6
Posted on 26 February 2016, 10:50 by:
lbte3 Score
Base +3, Saladofstones -6, Hyoros -9, HonorableShogun -7, kIsho Acrerion Orion -6
Base +5, Random-NPC +5, ddubi +6, HodorHodor +8, kishudark +6, Enki17 +10, DJ_Puchuu +12, J12432324 +6, abrickhouse +5
Base +6, Ayylmao123 +5, Egman007 +6, mark 519* +6, AVCName +3, splat68 +1, HodorHodor +8, kishudark +6, dawid00s +1, MrDanger +6, DJ_Puchuu +12, deadzaku +3, J12432324 +6, and 11 more...
Posted on 14 January 2017, 20:12 by:
BooKuhBet Score
Base +6, norton. +6, Hyoros -9, 410billionbluntz +5, abrickhouse +5, Rail vehicle fan +5, kIsho Acrerion Orion -6, popcorn enthousiast +6, Nartousamaci +6, ifr22k +7