Posted on 13 June 2015, 22:47 by:
driven Base +7, Bio-Hazard -5, SigmaXXVII -6, Azura Meta +6, Surviva +5, mosesking +7, ss567 +5, Kmon13 +7, Fran4353 -7, rediat +5, TommyTime +6, no_one_11 +6, AloofSloth +8, and 15 more...
Posted on 11 June 2015, 03:35 by:
adlimori Score
Base +11, Pr0pane +6, Natsam +13, omfglol -10, fidazzle +8, B1u3z +7, ylchow +6, Futaworldlover +5, AnimeLUZ +8, aurst +5, Biladsan +14, Machiga +6, Surviva +5, and 29 more...
Posted on 11 June 2015, 10:11 by:
theJLP Score
Base +5, dirtyhairry +14, DxKuro +6, nexxaddo +6, ateras +6, ss567 +5, legnakrad +7, mustardpie +18, Kmon13 +7, Mirinos +5, Bullettime +6, Fran4353 -7, rediat +5, and 44 more...
Posted on 11 June 2015, 11:07 by:
Subjho Score
Last edited on 11 June 2015, 17:59.
Base +6, rekon2 +6, dirtyhairry +14, thebiklimit +6, Neopheonix0 +7, ateras +6, ss567 +5, Jeriko78 +6, RareTracks +15, legnakrad +7, Kmon13 +7, forneus_zero +11, Mirinos +5, and 27 more...
Base +6, ss567 +5, dirtyhairry -14, mustardpie -18, Kmon13 +7, Fran4353 -7, rediat +5, theblad -10, pnx073 -7, person107 -4, CarmeloAnthony -6, cheeky_angel -7, kobatochandaisuki -6, and 1 more...
Posted on 12 June 2015, 04:51 by:
rizil Score
Base +5, mustardpie +18, Kmon13 +7, Mirinos +5, cochrane +4, Fran4353 -7, rediat +5, kobatochandaisuki +6, observer1980 +21
Base +3, Fran4353 -7, rediat +5, Bio-Hazard -5, AloofSloth +8, observer1980 +21
Base +6, rediat +5, Chinro +6, Ligera +5, McKatarn +3, observer1980 +21, sinfullkill +6
Posted on 14 June 2015, 00:15 by:
strawtea Score
Base +4, biscardone -5, cheeky_angel -7, MightyHonks -8, ankwchi -23, ano43738 -1, kobatochandaisuki -6, observer1980 -21, Mr.Pencil -7, Visadio +15
Base +6, rediat -5, Pr0pane +6, Captian Katsura +7, Gui Cogo +21, RareTracks -15, theblad +10, mgsfan99 +7, Oblivo -5, dirtyhairry -14, CX~DeribuRa +19, Ligera -5, AloofSloth +8, and 14 more...
Base +6, Oblivo -5, George642 +9, Volaverunt +14, GarethMars +5, js2016 +5, observer1980 +21, dirtyhairry +15, NitroRaikou +3, Visadio -15
Base +5, observer1980 +21
Base +6, Xetton +6, masta518 -6, Cessc -8, George642 +9, observer1980 +21, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, NitroRaikou +3, hakatri01 +5, Visadio -15, akunoko -29, MelmothTheWanderer +34
Base +1, Cessc -8, ankwchi -23, ebspacc -7, observer1980 +21, Arisseos +5, akunoko -29, MelmothTheWanderer +34
Base +1, Volaverunt +14, Yossarian762 -7, observer1980 +21, dirtyhairry +15, seebe44 +2, Visadio -15, Arisseos +5, Dos-Tree -6, akunoko -29, MelmothTheWanderer +11, Rowen41 +8
Posted on 29 June 2015, 23:03 by:
bronze Score
Base +6, GarethMars +5, Volaverunt +14, observer1980 +21, dirtyhairry +15
Posted on 30 June 2015, 06:29 by:
Zantos Score
Base +6, qweqweqwe1233 -4, ankwchi -23, Volaverunt +14, ebspacc -7, idle all day +6, observer1980 +21, dirtyhairry +15, Knife Prty +6, somercet +9, MelmothTheWanderer +11
Posted on 23 November 2015, 00:49 by:
dismas Score
Base +6
Base +7, akunoko -29, MelmothTheWanderer +34
Posted on 09 May 2019, 02:13 by:
tearsax Score
Base +7, BionicRalpher +6, kiwino -13, zipfizz1 +6