Base +5, dd184432 +6, Baphomet669 -10, nowittycomment +6, Red of EHCOVE +50, asdfmlp +5, tracingthelines +7, werkbau +6, greed1500 +13, joabes +7, kit07 +16, DraxialDrax +5, Lanxide +6, and 3 more...
Base +7, Kaoknight +7, Apollo-kun 777 +6, Red of EHCOVE +50, ki1ler7 +17, quandox +6, pingas007 +7, Eyriol +7, nhoctu97 +10, lydian +7, XxRecyclexX +7, tracingthelines -7, Mikimaru +7, and 9 more...
Posted on 17 June 2015, 22:25 by:
ben237 Score
Base +1, steeljackrabbit -6, Kaoknight +7, ki1ler7 -17, Welcome to Gotham +5, XxRecyclexX -7, tracingthelines -7, DJEnderMan +1, DahSpanker -6
Posted on 17 June 2015, 22:28 by:
SCSS Score
Base +16, oheye +9, singe88 -4, Kaoknight +7, Sgt Turkey -6, Dawnell_do +1, XxRecyclexX -7, tracingthelines -7, Xuriax +6, DJEnderMan +1, DahSpanker -6
Base +6, singe88 -4, steeljackrabbit -6, Kaoknight +7, Sgt Turkey -6, sukadaic -11, ki1ler7 -17, XxRecyclexX -7, tracingthelines -7, xamalac34 -6
Base +9, singe88 -4, Kaoknight +7, (J) +4, tracingthelines -7, xamalac34 -6, kit07 -16, DJEnderMan +1, DahSpanker -6
Posted on 17 June 2015, 22:34 by:
Runeless Score
Base +6, oheye +9, Kaoknight +7, Wombatz -6, tracingthelines -7, xamalac34 -6, DJEnderMan +1
Base +6, steeljackrabbit -6, Kaoknight +7, tracingthelines -7, MRVII +8, enevil -3
Posted on 17 June 2015, 22:40 by:
elgringo Score
Base +33, Baphomet669 -10, Red of EHCOVE +50, tracingthelines +7, kit07 +16
Posted on 17 June 2015, 22:58 by:
glvdtr Score
Base +7, AngryBroo +3, singe88 -4, steeljackrabbit -6, Kaoknight +7, MalkavianJD +6, Red of EHCOVE +50, tracingthelines -7, patterned +6, joabes +7, Lanxide +6, asasp +2, Velamenous +5, and 3 more...
Base +6, steeljackrabbit -6, Kaoknight +7, Red of EHCOVE +50, jonniecage +6, tracingthelines -7, hoigoigoi +17, DahSpanker -6
Posted on 18 June 2015, 00:01 by:
piyin Score
Base +23, singe88 -4, Kaoknight +7, MalkavianJD -6, Sgt Turkey -6, madnessspawn +6, pingas007 -7, laymanx -6, tracingthelines -7, fine17 +6, greed1500 -13, xamalac34 -6, Xuriax +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 18 June 2015, 00:24 by:
notknow Score
Base +9, Baphomet669 -10, atx4869 +16, ki1ler7 +17, tracingthelines +7, greed1500 +13, joabes +7, kit07 +16, DraxialDrax +5
Posted on 18 June 2015, 01:45 by:
memmoma Score
Base +6, Red of EHCOVE +50, quandox +6, atx4869 +16, joabes +7, Kootiebirdo +6
Base +6, tracingthelines +7, greed1500 +13
Posted on 18 June 2015, 04:18 by:
UsagiJun Score
Base +8, tracingthelines -7, greed1500 +13, atx4869 +16, joabes +7
Base +8, tracingthelines -7, DahSpanker -6
Base +3, greed1500 +13, joabes +7, Kootiebirdo +6, Vasnody +5
Base +4, greed1500 +13, atx4869 +16, joabes +7
Posted on 18 June 2015, 12:53 by:
Meidosan Score
Base +6, xamalac34 +6, Xuriax +6, joabes +7
Base +6, greed1500 +13, joabes +7, Kootiebirdo +6, Vasnody +5
Posted on 25 June 2015, 03:12 by:
張子布 Score
Base +2