Base +6, Bio-Hazard -5, g0su +14, Zantos +6, Ooe Kintarou +4, Incest1234 +8
Base +19, NekoHime27 +11, Ragusauce +7, CX~DeribuRa +19, Bloody_Rain -7, my little donger +3, Zantos -6, daman11 -6, Alphega -7, Neopheonix0 +7, Bennythen00b -6, Violer -16, Danikusu +9, and 2 more...
Base +2, Bloody_Rain +7, Deorem +6, g0su +14, k1bell -6, Xerodusk +18, NekoHime27 +11, Zantos +6, Neopheonix0 -7, Bennythen00b +6, xForlornx +1, Ooe Kintarou +4, Prof. Tree +5, and 1 more...
Last edited on 25 June 2015, 13:25.
Base +9, Bloody_Rain +7, HNTI -25, g0su -14, Xerodusk +18, wyredstarryn +9, werty101 -12, Newermxi +6, turbost +7, Neopheonix0 -7, Yossarian762 +7, Palaxius -33, Oblivo +5, and 10 more...
Posted on 25 June 2015, 12:53 by:
An_chan Score
Base +6, g0su +14, Xerodusk -18, werty101 -12, Zantos -6, boobieboobie -4, Snizard -6, Neopheonix0 +7, thancrus -6, Ooe Kintarou -4, neerko +6, rockarolla +6, Net Imp -8
Base +2, Plutonio -5, Vanndril -8, werty101 -12, Zantos -6, Omni -6, daman11 -6, samus7 -5, Rockgirl -5, Ragna57 -6, Neopheonix0 -7, Yossarian762 -7, Ero_Sennin +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 25 June 2015, 21:01 by:
Zagafon Score
Base +9, Plutonio -5, sinnychan +7, Zantos +6, daman11 +6, Tagapilay +6, Neopheonix0 +7, Palaxius -33, mabs +6, Danikusu -9, Ero_Sennin -6, CainLord +13, Vdawg1337 -6, and 7 more...
Base +6, Yossarian762 +7, Palaxius -33, Ero_Sennin -6, rubyhiro +7, Vdawg1337 -6, tubo +6, S.D-kun +6, neerko +6, Zorkil86 +5, heartgold +6, TheXell -10, KamingonYuu +6, and 2 more...
Last edited on 13 July 2015, 04:36.
Base +5, Ero_Sennin -6, tubo -6, S.D-kun -6, neerko -6, darkie77 -3, EllincedeT +10
Posted on 16 August 2020, 17:39 by:
byran47 Score
Base +6, EllincedeT -10, MelmothTheWanderer -30