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Why Vanadis? Vanadis is one of the names of Freyja, a goddess in the Norse mythology. Vanadis can be considered the equivalent of Venus from the Greek mythology. Her symbolic animal is the sow ^(00)^ . Vanadis (aka Freyja) is considered the goddess of love, beauty, earth, and fertility.
Which goddess could have been better to represent our team of 20 designers who will draw stories about love, beauty, fertility and earth?
Why Collective? An artist collective is typically a collection of individuals with similar interests in producing and documenting art as a group. Such a group is often composed of friends or friends of friends from all walks of life with different careers.
So, The Vanadis Collective brings together 24 artists who will draw erotic or porn short stories, all scripted by Scebha (except for Filo Bedo’s story, written by himself). These stories will be collected in two volumes of 50 pages each.
Sometimes funny or dramatic, sometimes romantic or violent, each story will contain 4-5 color pages (excluding two black and white manga style stories, which will be 8 pages long).
Each story will be embellished with a twist ending.