It's awesome to see the classic Mercedes and Carrera in something NEW, but why are there only still frames of what are obviously animated scenes? I'm happy but disappointed. (Happointed? Disappy? Fuck it, DLing this set and when I get a moment I'm gonna see how hard it is to make an animated gif out of the multitude of still frames.)
@janusmaxwell The incredible amount of still frames is a byproduct of the LiveMaker/LiveNovel engine having a positively backwards method of displaying/looping bitmaps using the Gale (.gal) bitmap file format for storing each frame as its own image and LiveCinema (.lcm) movie project files as containers for display instructions. Each animated scene/called .lcm file within game.dat/(katakana:Graphics)/mov/x_yyy_zzz scene files specifies that the stills included for each scene are displayed and looped at ~62 FPS (I assume to meet a target of 60) when called to display by the game script. Some of the logic of this gets lost seeing it in e-h gallery form due to the stripping of non-Unicode characters from each filename and subsequent renaming/converting around multiple "(katakana:Conpo)" into a gamewide non-repeating series of filenames.
The downside of this is you need to download LiveMaker (rather, to install it and have it bring along LiveCinema as a companion tool) to view each loop and the formatting behind it. The upside is, anyone seeking to translate the game shouldn't have to worry about decompressing/editing each .lcm since all the script will be in the .lsb files; and the logic is visible enough to build animations out of the converted JPEGs if desired (though to avoid losing your place you may have to reconvert them from the original .gals in discrete project folders using pylivemaker).