Posted on 05 July 2015, 03:17 by:
h-e-r o2 Score
Base +1, IMNC +6, forneus_zero -11, Doafw -7, VeloxVentus -3, Shiro-Yasha -6, rotar zairo -6, samus7 -5, Dustubuni +6, ratto123 -6, Nagassh -6, arckantos -6, v1c0d1n -7, and 5 more...
Base +6, forneus_zero +11, Nelfx +16, Megaton +9, freij +8, animadversion +5, HuskyNinja +7, Nonamewalker +6, Shiro-Yasha -6, SnapDragin +6, rotar zairo +6, Dustubuni -6, ratto123 +6, and 32 more...
Base +14, forneus_zero +11, animadversion +5, HuskyNinja +7, rotar zairo +6, samus7 +5, Dustubuni -6, Bio-Hazard -5, arckantos -6, ridvid1313 +6, v1c0d1n +7, WhosThatGuy +2, Ooe Kintarou +4, and 2 more...
Posted on 05 July 2015, 06:26 by:
Niluge Score
Base +8, daman11 +6, Dustubuni +6, ratto123 -6, Bio-Hazard +5, Zero225 +9, Zeikfried +12, arckantos -6, da3monata +7, photon_1005 +5, WhosThatGuy +2, Ooe Kintarou +4, fiamole +6, and 3 more...
Base +6, SpectralTime -6, Dustubuni -6, ratto123 +6, Bio-Hazard -5, forneus_zero +11, Zero225 +9, arckantos -6, NickYoung +5, TempRarity -7, v1c0d1n +7, Bloody_Rain +7, pollaco +10, and 2 more...
Posted on 05 July 2015, 08:44 by:
nexxkinn Score
Base +5, rotar zairo +6, samus7 +5, FireRage +6, Bio-Hazard -5, arckantos -6, clad95 +6, v1c0d1n +7, Ooe Kintarou +4, EJUNK +6, George642 +9, Hiltrax +7
Posted on 05 July 2015, 13:19 by:
EroPhish Score
Base +4, samus7 -5, Dustubuni +6, ratto123 -6, Bio-Hazard +5, revex93 -5, PhillipOliverfields +6, arckantos -6, Cyber Security +6, MrMuffinMan +5, kaskarudo +7, rotar zairo -8, EJUNK +6, and 4 more...
Base +8, Dustubuni -6, Bio-Hazard -5, forneus_zero +11, Zero225 +9, Zeikfried -12, arckantos -6, Cyber Security -6, TempRarity -7, Bloody_Rain +7, rotar zairo +9
Posted on 05 July 2015, 20:38 by:
Gugasha Score
Base +6, GalaxiousCosmo +3, arckantos -6, MrMuffinMan +5, dewip +6, Tarbaij +6, kaskarudo +7, auxil +4, Ooe Kintarou +4, bowbowcheese +1, seeker555 +8, fishzz +4, Ceriv +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, Zeikfried +12, arckantos -6, v1c0d1n +7, Bloody_Rain +7, auxil +4, GypsyBastard +6, cuntwad12 +6
Base +6, Dooderz +8, kaskarudo +7, auxil +4, seeker555 +8, R4kdow +3
Base +9, ridvid1313 -6, ‗‗_ -5, da3monata +7, TempRarity +7, Bloody_Rain -7, Dooderz +8, Tarbaij -6, kaskarudo +7, Nemesios -6, coykili -16, krea -7, thorfinn0709 -6, and 6 more...
Base +17, ridvid1313 +6, clad95 +6, Samhill +7, ‗‗_ +5, dexetus +6, v1c0d1n +7, Bloody_Rain +7, deffjef87 +6, Blaze_fire +8, Nazure +12, pdadac +6, WhosThatGuy +2, and 6 more...
Posted on 06 July 2015, 06:47 by:
boinboin Score
Base +6, auxil +4
Base +7, kaskarudo -7, Ashi17 -16, auxil -4, bowbowcheese -1, seeker555 +8
Base +7, kaskarudo +7, draconian196 +10, WhosThatGuy +2, auxil +4, rotar zairo -8, seeker555 +8, zellkaiser +6, Bulopu +16
Base +4, Bloody_Rain -7, Dooderz +8, kaskarudo +7, symphonia56 +5, WhosThatGuy +2, dewip +6, Ooe Kintarou +4, rotar zairo -8, seeker555 +8, zellkaiser +6, BigOOFF +6
Posted on 10 July 2015, 06:21 by:
sameo15 Score
Base +2, Bloody_Rain -7, kaskarudo +7, Nemesios -6, notapervdesu +5, AsimovLives -10, rotar zairo -8, seeker555 +8, zellkaiser +6, Bulopu -16, level0desu -4, cuntwad12 -6, Shadow Word: Porn -7
Base +6, AsimovLives -10, cuntwad12 -6
Base +6, rotar zairo -8, seeker555 +8, bergil -6, Bulopu -16, level0desu -4, cuntwad12 -6, Shadow Word: Porn -7
Posted on 29 October 2015, 21:50 by:
jzc136 Score
Base +7, seeker555 +8
Posted on 03 November 2015, 01:37 by:
GanGun Score
Base +20, thorfinn0709 +6, auxil +4, rotar zairo +8, Prey22 +6, seeker555 +8, bergil -6, JustHater -5, cuntwad12 +6, dewip +6, Shadow Word: Porn +7
Posted on 23 November 2015, 09:25 by:
kendra101 Score
Base +6
Posted on 03 December 2016, 22:38 by:
a3692602 Score
Base +5, bergil -6, zellkaiser +6, Bulopu -16, level0desu -2, Blurglurg -5, Shadow Word: Porn -7
Posted on 09 February 2017, 05:53 by:
gaming30 Score
Base +7, HannibalBarca -7, zellkaiser +6, Bulopu +16, JustHater -5, ChaseRaph69 +6, Shadow Word: Porn -7, Schmand +7, VENOM.SERPENT -8, Mushin13 -5
Posted on 17 November 2019, 21:31 by:
lolgay3 Score
Base +7, Mao M. +6, Shadow Word: Porn -7