Base +8, Drops of Honey -6, tearitup -7, NeoASHMAN -10, glasnost +11, p187 -7, inkognitolamp +5, Qwertylamb -7, HeyKidLookAtMyPhone +9, Knuckleduster +7, Clitoman -5, Fluffforgets +5, George642 -9, and 6 more...
Posted on 06 July 2015, 21:49 by:
Ripsmash Score
Base +6, Abweichung +6, Kona-chan +7, Drops of Honey +6, p187 +7, Clitoman +5, HeyKidLookAtMyPhone -9, rt2hot +7, Neopheonix0 +7, Zombie-sama1577 -6, Fofotron +6
Posted on 06 July 2015, 21:52 by:
ttgy Score
Base +5, Moroboshi Yuumei +3, Zombie-sama1577 -6, Fofotron +6
Base +9, Undefinable_Blue +7, MS-Ghost -5, Fofotron +6
Posted on 07 July 2015, 00:00 by:
Soulezz Score
Base +10, glasnost +11, inkognitolamp +5, Gore Tex +2, Clitoman +5, finnick8 +5
Base +5, tanaab1234567890 +17, Azura Meta +6, finnick8 +5, Zombie-sama1577 +6, hujkl +12, Moroboshi Yuumei +6, Fofotron +6, shinnt +17, k_2553472 +6
Base +8, rt2hot +7, George642 +9, Zakuzelo +10, Fofotron +6, TheSol +5
Base +7, Undefinable_Blue +7, finnick8 +5, pureyang +21, KoutariYu +3, dq01 +6, Kaoknight +7, Zombie-sama1577 +6, Fofotron +6, shinnt +17, Rebel Soldier +5, TheSol +5, k_2553472 +6
Base +7, dq01 +6, Neopheonix0 +7, hujkl +12, silentbob111 +6
Posted on 09 August 2015, 02:01 by:
Gorem Score
Base +6, dq01 +6, The Inker -8, Neopheonix0 +7, Iulius +6, Allknowing17 +6, AntiSkarabey +6, Hichhightest +10, malad +6, nolol111 -6