Posted on 07 July 2015, 14:57 by:
ragdoll_ Base +5, ragdoll_ +12, poste +4, shuntensatsu +11, Plutonio +5, irage88 +6, Natsam +13, tobee +4, amancalledtrane +6, Gabriel2 +11, skellybelly +7, Freezyezy +1, Masterdr +6, and 16 more...
Posted on 18 January 2015, 14:02 by:
knivesan Score
Base +5, ragdoll_ +12, Natsam +13, Kurono91 -7, Fecalistopheles +7, tobee +4, Lostalgia +4, Freezyezy +1, 1349-Kun +7, WildCrow -10, Nagato94 +5, Goofy1 +6, somedude1234symbols -5, and 2 more...
Base +6, jamrock1876 +6, Wrath of Anon +5, Freezyezy +1, Goofy1 +6, Jake34523 +5, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +8, rainbowkouji -4, LaviRoux +6, krompir -6, Fecalistopheles +7, tobee -4, Aryzkontol +5, bushwhacker2k +6, anonywhat -4, Pandazader +2, babawwebg +5, Goofy1 +6, FemaleHunter +5, and 3 more...
Posted on 18 January 2015, 20:13 by:
Sibushang Score
Base +6, Romi the Byzantine +6, Natsam +13, Wrath of Anon +5, LaviRoux +6, Brego1 +6, Kurono91 +7, reziak +6, skellybelly +7, deadlyazn +6, darkewalker +6, DarkerBlood +8, amancalledtrane +6, and 104 more...
Posted on 18 January 2015, 22:02 by:
Avity Score
Base +4, irage88 +6, Natsam +13, Wrath of Anon +5, Brego1 +6, Kurono91 +7, Roddrick +6, amancalledtrane +6, superbabilon +5, Gabriel2 +11, Shoran +6, skellybelly +7, WhiteFenris +10, and 31 more...
Base +11, poopyface +6, Natsam +13, Kai Nijuuri +6, LaviRoux +6, krompir -6, reziak +6, tobee -4, darkewalker +6, Grimrabbit +6, amuass +7, Eyriol +7, superbabilon +5, and 49 more...
Posted on 19 January 2015, 05:13 by:
ausomeist Score
Base +5, Kurono91 +7, Gabaw +4, lansquenete +8, smok3dcheese +6, HotClub +8, ZDU +7, ToniHD +9, animadversion +5, nsaiswatching +2, Eus +7, glitcher998 +8, jeren_sky +14, and 32 more...
Base +6, Omegadddd +6, Nithron +5, ShadowMKII +6, Thisigia +5, The Protector +7, smok3dcheese +6, HotClub +8, ZDU +7, as102 +9, Kwaetus +6, 1349-Kun +7, Mentira +11, and 65 more...
Posted on 19 January 2015, 08:00 by:
Yuuretsu Score
Base +7, Enki17 +9, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 19 January 2015, 14:19 by:
Zaesha Score
Base +7, krompir -6, DarkerBlood +8, SuperStickman22 +5, Merizimpower +2, alumar +6, snowah +7, Morphaz +5, JMash +5, dududude +5, HotClub +8, ZDU +7, animadversion +5, and 36 more...
Base +6, krompir -6, Fran4353 +7, Eleventh 9-9-9- +4, HiddenRancor +2, Merizimpower +2, snowah +7, Denjiro +10, jeren_sky +14, Kazeto +9, Vivi1993 +5, Goofy1 +6, Cisal +5, and 6 more...
Posted on 20 January 2015, 12:28 by:
Sandwitch Score
Base +7, Enki17 +9, fiestyferret +2, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +5, openminded20 +6, ZDU +7, Lenk +6, Goofy1 +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 23 January 2015, 14:33 by:
Macruxer Score
Base +4, wuerbo +6, ZDU +7, Ativ +6, jeren_sky +14, komplikation +6, SlaskFittan +6, Karnoffel +7, Goofy1 +6, Chefnormous +3, darkclaw16 +7, drobby +1, lhid2 +5, and 2 more...
Base +4, IIdarksoulII +2, rasenchidori +9, Goofy1 +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 27 January 2015, 14:54 by:
Soldier A Score
Last edited on 07 January 2018, 18:43.
Base +4, kikimaru024 +13, Enki17 +9, ToniHD +9, karambula +4, clockbot +5, Karnoffel +7, Shinryu-Rex +6, Chefnormous +3, grubie +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 29 January 2015, 02:03 by:
MaximusPL Score
Base +6, openminded20 +6, IIdarksoulII +2, WhiteFenris +10, xino +6, Denjiro +10, Visadio +17, freij +8, ZDU +7, ToniHD +9, clockbot +5, Frostbite +20, Colonia +5, and 10 more...
Posted on 05 February 2015, 22:03 by:
Ggmdark Score
Base +6, Denjiro +10, Visadio +17, shuntensatsu +12, h4g4ne +6, lansquenete +8, Hai-iro Kyo +2, kikimaru024 +13, HotClub +8, Glues_And_Screws +6, ZDU +7, as102 +9, dallenforth +6, and 53 more...
Base +5, Frostbite +20, shuntensatsu +12, Hai-iro Kyo +2, =0w0= +6, eaglewateek +4, Goofy1 +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +12, Hai-iro Kyo +2, BiBaraLover +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +4, Junkie 2002 +5, Denjiro +10, ZDU +7, McCaffrey +2, Circle0Trick +4, das3122 +7, Goofy1 +6, kishidakyoudan +1, CritiicalMass +6, as102 +9, somedude1234symbols -5, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +7, HotClub +8, ZDU +7, cochrane +4, hell yease +6, das3122 +7, Goofy1 +6, somedude1234symbols +5, grubie +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 17 April 2015, 05:58 by:
Azphreal Score
Base +1, Jesen +8, HotClub +8, Glues_And_Screws +6, ZDU +7, animadversion +5, clockbot +5, riwamixer99 +10, McCaffrey +2, hell yease +6, satare -5, Tsukigomori +5, Colonia +5, and 22 more...
Base +5, ZDU +7, Goofy1 +6, Florek +6, somedude1234symbols +5, grubie +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +6, ZDU +7, Goofy1 +6, grubie +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 10 May 2015, 01:42 by:
Jo.To Score
Base +20, Goofy1 +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +6, PKKP +9, Di 2 +7, funk_u_up +9, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +6, ElBastardo +6, McCaffrey +2, jeren_sky +14, kishidakyoudan +1, elrunethe2nd +7, BeingHappy +7, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +9, jeren_sky +14, Goofy1 +6, somedude1234symbols +5, grubie +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +6, clockbot +5, GarethMars +5, atheistica +6, Dooderz -8, JumpingJellybeans +4, grubie +6, Coledas Ukgent +14, GK_GAMES +8
Base +6, clockbot -5, jeren_sky +14, Goofy1 +6, Circle0Trick +4, Vivi1993 +5, Shinryu-Rex +6, amancalledtrane +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +6, Footloverd +6, GarethMars +5, somedude1234symbols +5, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +12, GarethMars +5, Goofy1 +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Last edited on 08 July 2015, 02:27.
Base +7, salfredo +7, jeren_sky +14, Masterdr +6, starfire1 +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 08 July 2015, 08:19 by:
MrDreamy Score
Last edited on 08 July 2015, 08:52.
Base +2, Masterdr -6, glitcher998 -8, MattUzumaki -9, Palaxius +33, Goofy1 +6, Dooderz +8, fiestyferret +2, necrosis527 +10, tol571 +5, Dottboy +15, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +18, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +6, goodboy24 +9, Alucarlos +6, wishcarlson +4, Hazeron +5, war15 +8, Nijigen-sama +4, as102 +10, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +9, eaglewateek +4, nickahousan +6, grisznak +8, Goofy1 +6, Chefnormous +3, Dottboy +15, grubie +6, Coledas Ukgent +14, GK_GAMES -8
Posted on 30 December 2015, 22:12 by:
Ezio45 Score
Base +7, Frostbite +20, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +18, war15 +8, Kaizus +6, kr0tch +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 19 June 2017, 16:03 by:
Arkron Score
Base +6, herpderp5545 +7, kr0tch +6, AzertyPorto +7, as102 +10, Dottboy +15, Goretanton +5, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 18 November 2017, 00:09 by:
jaredh72 Score
Base +6, as102 +10, Dottboy +15, Goretanton +5, Coledas Ukgent +14, GK_GAMES +8
Posted on 05 January 2018, 02:37 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +7, BarriaKarl +3, Goretanton +5, Doren +6, grubie +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +11, Doren +6, Coledas Ukgent +14, GK_GAMES +8
Base +7, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 09 August 2020, 19:35 by:
B1u3z Score
Base +7, war15 +8, BeingHappy +7, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +6, LordBarn +8, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 09 November 2020, 14:31 by:
surveyork Score
Base +9, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 10 March 2021, 16:30 by:
imaliar Score
Base +6, LordBarn -8, bobthebaco -6, Poe mk.II +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 26 October 2022, 05:24 by:
Seratina Score
Base +7, Coledas Ukgent +14, littleseba +6