Posted on 24 July 2015, 23:00 by:
Nouz Base +6, shuntensatsu +12, Pr0pane +6, Bio-Hazard -5, Harada Yui +8, Saloz +5, zenyaku +8, mala112 +5, Ooe Kintarou +4, timbus +10, marki-t +6
Base +6, Bio-Hazard -5, darienkd -9, Harada Yui -8, Gumak +15, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, Saloz +5, Vociferous -6, mala112 +5, Drake68655 -6, Pr0pane -6, amt -7, Virun -6, and 24 more...
Base +17, shuntensatsu +12, mala112 +5, Gigano_Reis +6, zenyaku +8, CelestialSpheres +6, Vezirw +6, navi_nyan45 +4
Posted on 25 July 2015, 08:09 by:
starting Score
Base +5, Junkie 2002 -5, sarbest -8, Mr.Pencil -7, mala112 -5, Drake68655 -6, Latson4 -6, Pr0pane -6, kusanagi177 -9, Mirinos -5, meagman1018 -5, darcmistespilon -9, zenyaku -8, and 4 more...
Base +6, Saloz +5, mala112 +5, shuntensatsu +12, shrurur +6, Mirinos +5, Gigano_Reis +6, zenyaku +8, Palaxius -33, Indago +6, Vezirw +6, pproperty +5, Strange Tamer +6, and 4 more...
Base +6, zenyaku +8, Lotho +3, Budda001 +6, el_putaso +6, Ooe Kintarou +4, Tamaki-Kousaka +8, H-Khan +3, qwertz789 +6
Base +6, shuntensatsu -12, csavarhuzo +5, reallycoolname -5, gildarts +6, Forseon +7, blagblag +7, generickitty +6, Mirinos -5, crazymagic +11, zappzoe +6, extremophile +6, Colonia -5, and 26 more...
Base +7, shuntensatsu +12, Virun -6, darcmistespilon -9, zenyaku +8, H-Khan +3
Base +5, darcmistespilon +9, zenyaku +8, chumimi -5, tomu-kun +7, Zaesha +13, kikimaru024 -16, el_putaso +6, mala112 -5, NoAngel -6, don45 -5, agmes -6, Chamma -7, and 16 more...
Posted on 26 July 2015, 13:09 by:
Chinro Score
Base +6, Mirinos +5, Gigano_Reis +6, meagman1018 +5, extremophile +6, mala112 +5, zenyaku +8, RaizelX +5, Absolyst +2, Indago +6, rt2hot +7, Budda001 +6, yooooo.zyf +6, and 25 more...
Posted on 07 August 2015, 06:33 by:
gseed Score
Base +6, No0neKnows -7, Harzle -11, Rouge・ -30, Tagtagger -12, Palaxius -30, Obika -5
Posted on 08 August 2015, 17:59 by:
Zero_35 Score
Base +1, No0neKnows -7, celcius_01 +11, el_putaso +6, Vezirw +6, Ooe Kintarou +4, pproperty +5, freeforalls +6, jsnormandy +7, H-Khan +3
Base +2, CelestialSpheres +6
Base +5, moeeno +2, Palaxius +33, qwertz789 +6
Posted on 30 June 2016, 17:32 by:
Baamzaki Score
Base +5