Posted on 03 August 2015, 11:52 by:
mootxico Posted on 03 August 2015, 12:01 by:
t@lu Score
Base +6, ScarredBushido -6, CarmeloAnthony -6, muffinfucker +8, Zeratul656 -6, nusmas -5, wans dyke -6, PAMRZ -10, Person8 -7, Bio-Hazard +5, FelixFomRihhofen +6, StillWind -23, dexetus -6, and 7 more...
Posted on 03 August 2015, 12:47 by:
mootxico Score
Base +11, trueGAS +11, LegoArielFanMaster +8, muffinfucker -8, Person8 +7, Bio-Hazard -5, mysto0 -5, ratto123 +6, dexetus +6, luis88 +6, catchv +15, Whitu Piggu +7, George642 +9
Posted on 03 August 2015, 13:24 by:
Angelika Score
Base +6, Ass Spanker +7, muffinfucker -8, Person8 +7, Bio-Hazard -5, Pige0n220 +6, poirepomme +6, mysto0 +5, SSJGoken +6, aroptua +6, Amphion +8, ArtoriaTheHonor +5, catchv +15, and 3 more...
Base +6, Carveur +6, mysto0 +5, Rervm +14, Kenzaki Kazuma +18, dremer +12, Legylen +5, Xenon +8, SSJGoken +6, marcellus345 +6, Linksaver +6, Ost666 +5, Cybe +4, and 8 more...
Posted on 03 August 2015, 15:04 by:
Deftera Score
Base +6, Person8 +7, Bio-Hazard -5, ridvid1313 +6, andre7 +8, Bulopu +11, nasilacus +6
Base +11, johnlocke357 +6, mysto0 +5, lolzcom +6, marcellus345 +6, nasilacus +6
Base +6, plopl +8, mysto0 +5, lolzcom +6, Kenzaki Kazuma +18, UnknowDestroyer +7, marcellus345 +6, Bulopu +11, Mags_ +26, Cybe +4, Amphion +8, fakeacid +6, Person8 +7, and 9 more...
Base +6, andre7 +8, Bulopu +11, Person8 +7
Base +1, andre7 +8, nasilacus +6
Base +6, KupopoCrashing -8, poep -13, Azura Meta +6, ratto123 -6, shinomerlin -14, Injury Man -6, Uretre -4, Sacklraissah -8, Zombie-sama1577 -6, ADMIC -6, Bulopu -11, catchv -15, and 2 more...
Posted on 04 August 2015, 13:08 by:
ritsukai Score
Base +6, andre7 +8, Mauser +17, SSJGoken +6, Rain Ice +6, Bulopu +11, Mags_ +26, Person8 +7, George642 +9
Base +7, Zombie-sama1577 -6, Bulopu -11, Person8 -7, nasilacus +6
Base +7, Bulopu -11, NitroRaikou +2, nasilacus +6, Hyoros +14
Base +6, Bulopu +11, NitroRaikou +2, Darkelitex +6, Person8 +7, nasilacus +6, Hyoros +14