Posted on 17 August 2015, 08:23 by:
Dammon Posted on 17 August 2015, 09:19 by:
CH2493 Score
Base +6, Amariithynar +7, CX~DeribuRa +19, Azura Meta +6, Atmoz +6, Reimei +7, Vanguard3125 +6, rockingoldensamurai +6, as102 +9, kobatochandaisuki +6, jimbob88 +6, miketheman +5, xino +6, and 23 more...
Posted on 17 August 2015, 09:50 by:
chriseras Score
Base +10, ArnasB +6, Cherry Lips -6, sparrow5 -5, fidazzle +8, Zerotaku37 +4, Hugh Jarse +6, bluevelvet +6, Fofotron +6
Posted on 17 August 2015, 10:01 by:
Alias23 Score
Base +6, razogh +3, ArnasB +6, Fighnjaci +7, Kuroganemaru +6, Askhandar +7, RRViper +26, CX~DeribuRa +19, Azura Meta +6, qazzy5 +19, Zero225 +9, IaY +3, Atmoz +6, and 65 more...
Posted on 17 August 2015, 10:04 by:
Base +6, ArnasB +6, Azura Meta +6, Imako-chan +7, Semro_ +7, HotClub +9, Sartra +9, madaramemadarame +7, rockingoldensamurai +6, Someboday +6, xino +6, Hugh Jarse +6, Ativ +6, and 14 more...
Base +6, CX~DeribuRa +19, Azura Meta +6, Reimei +7, Blackindex +7, Anony12788 +9, Ayylmao999 +1, Ooe Kintarou +2, Zerotaku37 +4, Hugh Jarse +6, Fofotron +6
Base +3, Numismatics +4, Ativ +6, fidazzle +8, Blackindex +7, Zerotaku37 +4, Hugh Jarse +6
Posted on 17 August 2015, 12:44 by:
Soluc Score
Base +6, Askhandar +7, Amariithynar +7, Azura Meta +6, Reimei +7, Vanguard3125 +6, HotClub +9, as102 +9, Hugh Jarse +6, fidazzle +8, crackchris +7, Blackindex +7, Anony12788 +9, and 12 more...
Base +6, Azura Meta +6, meagman1018 +5, LordPants +6, jujua33 +1, Zerotaku37 +4, LonelyWanderer +4, Avrelius +15, Hugh Jarse +6, Bloomberg +6
Base +6, karambula +5, LordPants +6, Ativ +6, Lakota +7, IndistinctCredence +3, Zerotaku37 +4, Hugh Jarse +6
Posted on 17 August 2015, 14:45 by:
mac77 Score
Base +5, Azura Meta +6, Imako-chan +7, Zero225 +9, Semro_ +7, Reimei +7, HotClub +9, kikimaru024 +15, madaramemadarame +7, Absaint +6, rockingoldensamurai +6, Numismatics +4, as102 +9, and 20 more...
Base +13, meagman1018 +5, Hugh Jarse +6
Posted on 17 August 2015, 16:50 by:
ConvexEd Score
Base +6, Victor DoUrden +13, Ooe Kintarou +2, Hugh Jarse +6
Posted on 17 August 2015, 16:52 by:
Hakrei Score
Base +11, karambula +5, Vanguard3125 +6, kikimaru024 +15, Absaint +6, Victor DoUrden +13, papercba +6, DCH268 +6, IndistinctCredence +3, Ooe Kintarou +2, Hugh Jarse +6, Fofotron +6, Bloomberg +6
Posted on 17 August 2015, 20:54 by:
T@NUKI Score
Base +7, Someboday -6, Victor DoUrden +13, Hugh Jarse +6
Posted on 17 August 2015, 23:32 by:
Shekkey Score
Base +6, kikimaru024 +15, ChocobotSV +6, holyfrog77 +6, Anony12788 +9, hoodedman -6, Danjian +6, papercba +6, IndistinctCredence +3, nonamethanks +9, Maxer123 +6, Hugh Jarse +6
Posted on 18 August 2015, 00:58 by:
Newprimus Score
Base +6, holyfrog77 +6, Ooe Kintarou +2, Hugh Jarse +6
Posted on 18 August 2015, 04:15 by:
valesauce Score
Base +6, Hugh Jarse +6
Posted on 18 August 2015, 14:20 by:
Quflow Score
Base +4, Tufao -8, ToniHD -10, Rouge・ -30, naughts -6, SixTri -8
Posted on 25 August 2015, 17:44 by:
Humbard Score
Base +9, Danjian +6, Victor DoUrden +13, Azura Meta +6, Raimoundo +6, Hugh Jarse +6
Posted on 27 August 2015, 03:35 by:
Jizz23 Score
Base +6, TheLordOmega +7, Vanguard3125 +6, Azura Meta +6, Ooe Kintarou +2, techrose +2
Base +2, Someboday +6, Ooe Kintarou +2, Draw99Gray +14, atomskxxx1 +6, Hugh Jarse +6, AncientPhoenix +7, Bloomberg +6
Posted on 04 December 2015, 06:48 by:
Unyltyan Score
Base +6, Raimoundo +6, Draw99Gray +14, PinguPrin -4, LonelyWanderer +4, Avrelius +15, Hugh Jarse +6
Base +6, Raimoundo +6, Draw99Gray +14, Bedbin +17