Posted on 19 August 2015, 09:13 by:
ZDragonX Base +6, iamclu +6, sailornasheed +6, juurekas1 +4, glib24 +6, Micstorm85 +7, war15 +8, hjhj210 +10, darknexus666 +6, Chained +6, theorz +6, Elena Leffel +5, savaris +7, and 29 more...
Base +2, Elena Leffel +5, 1776XKCD +5, NitroRaikou +2, Arquebus_treb +8, somercet +8
Base +5, Elena Leffel +5, 1776XKCD +5, MezzoDragon +8, nighthero7 +10, NitroRaikou +2, fallensaint117 -5, DarkMulletFist +7, Arquebus_treb +8, somercet +8
Posted on 19 August 2015, 17:43 by:
Ezio45 Score
Base +7, kasaix +6, nighthero7 +10, NitroRaikou +2, Arquebus_treb +8, somercet +8, kemono69 +9
Base +6, Elena Leffel +5, 1776XKCD +5, MezzoDragon +8, Corventus +5, nighthero7 +10, Kanuro5 +6, fallensaint117 +5, DarkMulletFist +7, Arquebus_treb +8, somercet +8, kemono69 +9
Posted on 21 August 2015, 20:51 by:
nexvinco Score
Base +4, kasaix +6, Corventus +5, nighthero7 +10, Kanuro5 +6, giygaskiller +6, MCPO Destroyer +12, NitroRaikou +2, fallensaint117 +5, abrickhouse +3, DarkMulletFist +7, Arquebus_treb +8, rooldeewurldman +4, and 3 more...
Posted on 29 August 2015, 23:04 by:
Mr.Sal Score
Base +5, robbydax +12, nighthero7 +10, Kanuro5 +6, NitroRaikou +2, abrickhouse +3, DarkMulletFist +7, Arquebus_treb +8, somercet +8, kemono69 +9
Base +6, robbydax +12, nighthero7 +10, Kanuro5 +6, William Murderface +6, Arquebus_treb +8, somercet +8
Posted on 04 November 2015, 15:21 by:
Tf2Lover Score
Base +3, NitroRaikou +2, Dragzos +3, yanaverg +5, DarkMulletFist +7, Arquebus_treb +8, eddyez +6, somercet +8, kemono69 +9, Classified +6
Posted on 03 December 2015, 23:51 by:
destaX Score
Base +4, Arquebus_treb +8, somercet +8
Base +6, NitroRaikou +2, Arquebus_treb +8, somercet +8, kemono69 +9
Posted on 07 April 2016, 21:38 by:
ByQ Score
Base +6, NitroRaikou +2, Arquebus_treb +8, somercet +8, kemono69 +9
Posted on 11 February 2018, 13:00 by:
Namwoc Score
Base +7, somercet +8
Base +6, col.dragoon +8, kemono69 +9, BarbarossaRugner +7
Posted on 11 May 2020, 07:58 by:
AliGe Score
Base +6, BarbarossaRugner +7
Base +6, kemono69 +12, BarbarossaRugner +7
Base +5, kemono69 +12, BarbarossaRugner +7, Incessant Rambling +6