Hola amigo, antes que nada te agradezco por todos los comics que has estado subiendo (me hacen recordar mi adolescencia xD) por cierto no tendras uno que trata de que una chava que es una mujer muy exitosa, va de vacaciones a cancun o no se donde y un yatero la viola y la hace esclava sexual? es que siempre la he querido volver a ver :)
First I have to say that I do not speak Spanish, only a few common words and to add up English is not my native language either - but I been trained in English; But because of good translation software it is possible to understand at least some of what you write.
I have not take the time to read/look trough all my Mexican comics, at the moment approx 500 issues, so I can not tell if I have the story you ask for.
If it is a Delmonico's Erotica issue (end of list), you can check this list to see if it is one of these; It is all issues here at hentai with all issues I have found at other sources: