Base +4, ART65 +6, Atmoz +6, mysto0 +5, aukxn +13, psicomenace +8, YoudontknowmexD +11, Grimmomega +6, TanoshiMoose +6, haskerl +4, RadishBoy +6, bunnygunny +6, Orion9137 +11, and 1 more...
Base +6, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, blagblag +7, Jago Smith +6, romanticfool13 +6, as102 +9, Kuroganemaru +6, SightlierGravy +6, komplikation +6, ArnasB +6, Junkie 2002 +6, kobatochandaisuki +6, IncognitoMaud +4, and 26 more...
Base +6, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, romanticfool13 +6, ArnasB +6, Junkie 2002 +6, Bulopu +11, titoloco -7, rext11 +4, Ziggy2012 +6, Brongkatus -6, mysto0 +5, finnick8 +5, Budda001 +6, and 8 more...
Base +9, romanticfool13 +6, stopwatch +6, JARP -8, DreadGrimReaper +7, titoloco -7, Caoslegion -6, losting -7, yukkurikeeper +6, Dustubuni +6, pahindok -17, ArdentCenser -6, FinalFight -6
Posted on 24 August 2015, 01:46 by:
lemeres Score
Base +7, Kirasama +6, mysto0 +5, Apollo-kun 777 -6, Crossett +10, Gentleman Chimera +4
Posted on 24 August 2015, 06:17 by:
manga201 Score
Base +3, shuntensatsu +12, Bulopu +11, GabrielTDO +6, genoskill -6, rotar zairo +8, RadishBoy +6, pahindok -17, Tiger_Claw +6
Posted on 25 August 2015, 07:30 by:
kasimko Score
Base +3, Angel Xtreme +7, mysto0 +5, finnick8 +5, Budda001 +6, Ooe Kintarou +1, DreadPool +6
Posted on 25 August 2015, 17:36 by:
Dark Gale Score
Base +6, finnick8 +5, Ooe Kintarou +1
Base +6, Budda001 +6, Ooe Kintarou +1, TheBettyMonster +6, DreadPool +6, Tiger_Claw +6
Posted on 31 August 2015, 00:47 by:
Crazy789 Score
Base +1