Base +4, Hardcore Genesis +4, GarmentGrid +3, nokama +7, Diablo44555 +9, user19283 +5, markmoon13 +7, Souloname +7, spuget +7, Budda001 +6, Mikester100 +5, KTTW +7, Micstorm85 +7, and 43 more...
Base +7, Diablo44555 +9, spuget +7, Budda001 +6, Bruno FS +4, Micstorm85 +7, Cadavrus +6, HUO666 +8, NamelessFace +8, Domanxyz1992 +6, XLucas25 +6, jolog +8, oneiwonder +7, and 24 more...
Posted on 04 August 2015, 18:37 by:
hahahahva Score
Base +6, Diablo44555 +9, przecinek +6, HordonFishman +3, markmoon13 +7, AngStrem +7, spuget +7, Budda001 +6, Micstorm85 +7, rekon2 +6, XLucas25 +6, Fresh_Toasti +3, seabassd +6, and 13 more...
Last edited on 09 September 2015, 08:20.
Base +13, Diablo44555 +9, user19283 +5, HordonFishman +3, Encuilion +4, Budda001 +6, Micstorm85 +7, Laxard +4, Zayden4321 +1, XLucas25 +6, oneiwonder +7, lolxdrofl +5, SpencerPootis +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 04 August 2015, 18:55 by:
Spunks Score
Base +10, Micstorm85 +7, bwanacumlately +7, lolxdrofl +5, dante422 -6, mmmlk +6
Posted on 04 August 2015, 19:11 by:
Zeikfried Score
Base +12, spuget +7, Micstorm85 +7, Raijinzrael +6, dante422 -6
Posted on 04 August 2015, 19:53 by:
Wario-man Score
Base +6, invisible5 +6, Micstorm85 +7, oneiwonder +7, lolxdrofl +5, Heets +4, SpencerPootis +6, insta +6, dante422 -6
Base +6, Micstorm85 +7, oneiwonder +7, Heets +4, Trallina +3, dante422 -6, EviBastard +6
Posted on 04 August 2015, 20:47 by:
malesur Score
Base +7, Micstorm85 +7, oneiwonder +7, bhodorbox +4, lolxdrofl +5, Trallina +3, dante422 -6
Base +6, BlazeXX +6, oneiwonder +7, dante422 -6
Base +5, Eddiethebrony +6, lolxdrofl +5, Trallina +3, Steak Puncher +4, chungdoo1 +4, dante422 -6
Posted on 05 August 2015, 00:00 by:
felipemk Score
Base +2, Schmoritfff -5, lolxdrofl -5, oneiwonder -7, dante422 -6
Base +6, bhodorbox +4, Trallina +3, oneiwonder +7, dante422 -6
Base +6, Schmoritfff -5, RogerWhoIsJolly -5, Heets +4, Zeph101 +6, chungdoo1 +4, aloud9 +6, dante422 -6
Posted on 06 August 2015, 19:28 by:
Mr.Sal Score
Base +4, dante422 -6
Posted on 11 August 2015, 05:57 by:
sal252 Score
Base +6, dante422 -6
Base +6, oneiwonder +7, dante422 -6
Base +7, spuget +7, dante422 -6
Posted on 09 September 2015, 08:17 by:
1bts Score
Base +8, spuget +7, xxxMorfxxx +5, bhodorbox +5, oneiwonder +7, darkwatch21 +4, dante422 -6
Base +6, spuget +7, dante422 -6, iqjohnking -6
Base +6, hyunkell01 +7, dante422 -6, ThunderKurono +9, HodorHodor +7
Posted on 24 September 2015, 23:23 by:
DeronRav Score
Base +7, dante422 -6, SciFiMisc +4, DellDELLER +4
Posted on 14 November 2015, 22:27 by:
kongz Score
Base +6, dante422 -6, ThunderKurono +9