Posted on 11 September 2015, 22:27 by:
Kalevala Base +6, Crimson13 +8, ditama +9, Darknessend +6, psyburn21 +19, coleccionista903 +6, Huehue2 +7, Leoevil +9, zinos6 +8, Kalevala +20, Imsolo +5, Red of EHCOVE +50, DreadGrimReaper +7, and 2 more...
Posted on 11 September 2015, 23:43 by:
Mant Score
Base +12, ditama +9, Darknessend +6, psyburn21 +19, VladimirUrsinovich +14, HonorableShogun +5, Leoevil +9, zinos6 +8, AntiShisno +7, dark_kite +7, LegoArielFanMaster +8, shadow king +7, Kalevala +20, and 10 more...
Posted on 12 September 2015, 00:00 by:
Moof22 Score
Base +6, Darknessend +6, psyburn21 +19, Huehue2 +7, Leoevil +9, Soyungundam +6, Kalevala +20, DreadGrimReaper +7
Posted on 12 September 2015, 00:03 by:
TLM1986 Score
Base +6, Darknessend +6, psyburn21 +19, Leoevil +9, zinos6 +8, Kalevala +20, Red of EHCOVE +50, DreadGrimReaper +7, satanischer +6
Base +6, Trundle +6, Leoevil +9, shadow king +7, papercba +6, Kalevala +20, Imsolo +5, Darknessend +6, Red of EHCOVE +50, IaY +4, BadDragon +8
Posted on 12 September 2015, 02:03 by:
Zeroneos Score
Base +7, Kalevala +20, Darknessend +6, Blake81 +11
Base +5, Kalevala +20, Darknessend +6, fscarlet +6
Posted on 12 September 2015, 03:00 by:
xhion25 Score
Base +7, Kalevala +20, Darknessend +6
Base +5, Kalevala +20, Imsolo +5, Darknessend +6, Red of EHCOVE +50
Base +20, Kalevala +20, unoshot -7, sable1 +17, Razorflame +34, @43883 +34, Bobangock +6, Darknessend +6, Red of EHCOVE +50, DreadGrimReaper +7, LegoArielFanMaster +8, Crimson13 +8
Base +5, Kalevala +20, Darknessend +6
Base +6, Sentor -6, zepharus -6