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(C88) [MASHIRA-DOU (Mashiraga Aki)] Story of the 'N' Situation - Situation#3 Mukasino Otoko

(C88) [ましら堂 (猿駕アキ)] S.N.S #3昔の男

Posted:2015-09-15 12:50
File Size:124.2 MiB
Length:40 pages
Favorited:220 times
Average: 4.72

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Posted on 15 September 2015, 12:50 by:   cometravel    PM
Uploader Comment
I love NTR.
Posted on 16 September 2015, 00:45 by:   stupid army    PM
Score +36
Finally! Thanks for upload.
Posted on 16 September 2015, 02:19 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +13
Ok, from what I understood the glasses guy was bullied by the punks on high school but always was there that girl he liked waitinfg for him, Yuriko, about 10 years later they meet again and they get into a relationship.

At the same time he meets one of the punk guys from HS now much older who basically tells her that in that apartment where the main guy came from lives his client, main character has a hunch about who could that personbe and talks it out with Yuriko who tells what happened in the past: the punk drugged her during a party and raped her forming a sex buddies relationship between the two.
However as the sex scenes shows she liked it and took the initiative at sex, at the end even though she and her boyfriend talked about it at the end saying to stop her addiction the first thing she does meets with punk obviously, .
The former punk pays a visit to Yuriko and mc who went back noticed his car and run to her room just in time to hear about the punk telling about him meeting her boyfriend and if this is okay to her(lol even he gave it some thought, but hey, he got free pussy, he can't say no to that), she answers she always wanted to meet him(boyfriend) but also wants sex.

Please feel free to correct me if I missed or mistook something.

She is a sex addict so she pretty much is a lost cause.

Can't say this really was netorare when the punk guy was like a thousand years ahead of the main guy and Yuriko acting more on her lust and than any feels she supposedly had for the MC.

If anything, the guy was Very Lucky his former classmate told him the truth at least so he won't have to be cucked forever.
Now he can break up with Yuriko and move on.

Is it me or has Mashiraga Aki gone soft on his latest stories? Stories like Muse(masterpiece) and Matsuri were more hopeless and heart breaking.
Last edited on 17 September 2015, 22:02.
Posted on 16 September 2015, 03:18 by:   Raptor702    PM
Score +0
I agree. The sting is still there but nowhere near as sharp as it used to be. To me it feels like he still loves to write the stories but is getting bored of it at the same time. Perhaps he should try the complete opposite of NTR writing and go vanilla for a story or two just to recharge his NTR tank.
Posted on 16 September 2015, 03:27 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +12
Yeah, that's what Inomaru and Nagare Ippon do often.
Posted on 16 September 2015, 05:04 by:   black_cat1    PM
Score +39
Well, the story always centers around the female characters so whatever the male characters feel does not really matter,

Though I agree that he has gone soft after "Fork in the road".
Posted on 16 September 2015, 06:21 by:   ntrboy1234    PM
Score +18
thank youuuuu
Posted on 16 September 2015, 07:17 by:   Hito Shura    PM
Score +78
Doujinshi -

Melonbooks -

Toranoana -

Artist - 猿駕アキ
pixiv -
HP -
Posted on 16 September 2015, 17:08 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +6
Yeah, but before that his stories didn't end open AND female characters were strong willed, for example the one from Muse made the guy blackmailing her to GTFO, Matsuri was very strong willed as he never fell to the dick.
Like you said, since Fork in the Rock his female characters are just too dumb easy.

Even N Situation 2 was almost vanilla.
Posted on 17 September 2015, 20:21 by:   Nanaya2007    PM
Score +120

The drugs only happened during the reunion and nothing in the story implies she ever knew about being drugged by the punk. The main heroine actually became the girlfriend of the punk after the first sex. As described by the punk "She's the type that completely becomes submissive after the first fuck."

The heroine was never a drug addict in this doujinshi. She just really loved the relationship with her "previous man" which is what "mukashi no otoko" means. Most of the story is her previous bf, the punk, retelling his sexcapades with the heroine. The "hero" of the story is the new boyfriend of the heroine after they met each other for a long time. Their relationship became boyfriend-girlfriend after spending time with each other soon after the hero got back from Tokyo.

The punk never "delivered" any kind of drugs or anything (aside from lunch to eat before sex time) to the heroine. He basically ended up calling the heroine for some sex. Aside from that one single date rape the punk did, no other drugs happened in the story.

After the punk told the hero of how his sex life with the heroine was in the past, the hero confronted the heroine about this, and they made up. Then the punk called the heroine for that sex time years later after they broke up, and the hero went to his girlfriend's apartment to find that she's cheating on him (him thinking "she just said that we'll work this through").

Mashiraga Aki is trying to show people different types of netorare, which is why he started the Story of the N Situation series. Some NTR are light, some aren't. This story needed more pages to be impactful, like how Fork in the Road had really wild, almost animalistic, sex strengthening the netorare, but the story itself is pretty much netorare if you read it. Mashiraga actually planned on writing more of these situations, but he wants to work on longer works rather than one-shots, so he'll take a break on the series for a while.
Posted on 17 September 2015, 22:00 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score -16
No more drugs? You sure? In some pages I saw some empty little bags that usually are to carry the powder or pills on some pannels during the sex scenes and I'm sure those weren't justcondom wraps or food bags.

Meh, Yuriko being a full blown slut kills the feel of netorare of this story anyway.

So far N Situations.
1: Blackmail stuff, this had the ntr feel.
2: Almost vanilla. Hero lost the girl to a guy who loved the heroine.
3: Punk and heroine were in a relationship. Hero was years way too late.

Fork in the Road wasn't that bad, but the ntr guy blabbering the whole 2 chapters about how "alpha" (disguising his inferiority complex I guess) he is and how submissive and retarded the heroine was was irritating.

In hate open endings like this chapter.
Last edited on 17 September 2015, 22:36.
Posted on 18 September 2015, 00:48 by:   Nanaya2007    PM
Score +37
I've gone over it another two times. There are no drugs after the initial date rape. There are no mentions of there being any sort of drug addiction. The punk and the heroine just had a somewhat normal relationship.

To clarify:
Hero idolizes heroine back in HS.
Hero leaves for Tokyo.
Punk and heroine were in a relationship that started from drug rape.
The punk just dumped the heroine because he got bored of it.
Hero comes back from Tokyo.
The heroine and the hero started getting into a steady relationship that is implied to have taken some time to form.
Hero learns about heroine's past from a random meeting with punk.
Hero goes back to heroine to confront her about the past.
They both make up and indicate to each other that they'll help each other walk a new life together.
Punk suddenly gets the itch to fuck and remembering his stories, manages to call the heroine (she still has the same phone number) to hook up.
Hero about to go to heroine's apartment, sees punk's car, suddenly gets suspicions.
Punk and heroine are fucking like animals.

This was netorare based on the "Mukashi no Otoko" storyline.
It's like you have a girlfriend, but she's actually still pining for her old lover and basically used you as a rebound guy. When old lover comes back, all the emotions flow out and she basically forgets you.

On Fork in the Road, guys who are alpha are outward and project their greatness. This is normal. The heroine wasn't retarded either. She was just getting better sex with the alpha than she was with her boyfriend. She basically got raped in the first part, but it felt too good for her to give up once she started moving on her own will (completely expounded on part 2). She even wanted to stay away from the alpha and stay with her boyfriend, even quit her job, to get away from the great sex.

But the boyfriend didn't want her to quit her job, and so she couldn't stop herself. It's like an alcoholic. You've got alcohol in front of you a lot. You really have that itch to drink it. And then it just happens.
Posted on 18 September 2015, 03:31 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score -1
Then I was right on Yuriko not caring about her supposed feelings for the boyfriend as he cared more for having sex, heck even in this story it didn't look like she had sex with her boyfriend.

About Fork, I disagree, she was retard, if she just wanted good sex then she could have 1. Just ask her boyfriend to be more rough(basically what her boss told her various times) or 2. Break up and stay with her boss.
She didn't choose one because she wanted both, it's false that she wanted to stay away from her boss(also if he was alpha he would make her want it so badly by herself and not without having to force his way which he did).

Also I can't remember well but didn't she quit her job when she noticed her boyfriend was aware of her being unfaithful at the very end of the story? When she talked about quitting her boyfriend told her not to because he didn't now about her fucking her boss behind his back.
Can't remember what her boss said before leaving(it's been years) but to me it looked like he gave no fucks because she got boring now that she was fully hooked to cheating. She only quit because she was exposed not because she really chose. Well, my moon runes are lacking(I forget some as I'm learning others, so I you can give a summary about that please do so).
Posted on 18 September 2015, 08:21 by:   Nanaya2007    PM
Score +14

No. The heroine cared for her boyfriend. She just cared more for her previous lover than she did her current boyfriend. There was remorse, but it wasn't strong enough to retain her loyalty for her new boyfriend.

On Fork in the Road:

No, she wasn't.
In part 1, we know that the alpha has a much larger dick, and is the first man to ever give her an orgasm (2nd man ever to fuck her however).
In part 2, she was having very rough sex with her boyfriend, but he could not keep up. This is why she offered to quit her job, to stay with her boyfriend, so she'll never have to see the alpha ever again.

The reason she did not quit her job was because her boyfriend stopped her for a variety of reasons, but mostly related to their shared dream together. The boyfriend thought she wanted to quit because she was very lonely, and not because he knew anything about the sex she had. This "offer to quit" is in the early parts of Fork in the Road Part 2. There is zero offer to quit her job at the end of Part 2.
All that happens at the end of Part 2 is the alpha quits after the "game" has been conquered and moved overseas. No one ever hears from him again.
MC chooses to stay with the heroine, where he basically quit on his dream of becoming a cameraman from Osaka to move back to Tokyo.

The main goal of the alpha is to conquer the heroine, to make her say "I'll break up with my boyfriend" and then to leave. She also understands this, but the sex is too good to just stay away. She also has too much pride to let her boyfriend know that she was so easily conquered, and letting her MC boyfriend know about it would indirectly demean the MC's masculinity and might crush him (alpha has a bigger dick, better at sex). This is why she couldn't just give a straight reason as to why she wanted to quit her job and stay in Osaka with the MC.
There are several things at play here and you can't just say people are retarded. Japanese society is a bit stranger than other societies with hidden rules regarding scandals, politeness, and such.
Posted on 18 September 2015, 16:13 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +5

That's why I said she cared more for her lust than her feelings.
We know from this story that what she wanted the most was sex(that's why she got dumped, that's all she could offer to the punk).

About Fork.

Let's agree to disagree I know Mashiraga Aki is above average authors (like Sekishiro and Tsuyac²) who write ntr but even then both still fall under hentai logic.

She was warned beforehand by fellow coworkers, noticed her boss making moves on her yet let him in to her room despite being late at nigh with beers.
Also, I never said offer to quit.
But the Will from the heroine to quit, which she never had until she was busted.
Posted on 20 September 2015, 08:01 by:   Oleifr    PM
Score +34
The artist knew exactly how to make this as painful as possible. Impressive.
Posted on 22 September 2015, 09:24 by:   loomery    PM
Score +24
Awesome! Thanks a lot for sharing the raw.

This artist is one of the best, if not the best, doing NTR.
Posted on 07 October 2016, 04:28 by:   romanriquelme    PM
Score +0
If I was the MC find pleasure in making others suffer, kill the rapist and torture the girl so that to leave with a deep psychological trauma and never forget it, it is the trauma recording in your unconscious, to have nightmares about it daily.

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