An improved and more tedious editing. Dialogues corrected, clean pages, better handwriting.
And I, I'm still using the google translator.
Thanks to "Telm" by translating and work.
I could not preserve the old gallery, because they are over a year old, and not let me change them.
However, all comments were kept (the obscenities too)
@ AbusePuppy: Je, pero de los doujin hen-tai no se quejan :P
Ho, hola Zelinko. Parece que sigue entrando a cada rato a mirar mis galerías para dar puntos :D Parece que tiene una obsesión muy grande con mis trabajos, me alaga de verdad :)
This comic is okay... but it does not belong on e-hentai. It is neither pornographic nor a translation of a JAPANESE original doujinshi. Have you considered getting your own website?