Posted on 16 September 2015, 19:28 by: Maximum_Joe
Score +57
"The scene starts within a forest clearing, where a wild Nidorina emerged. Upon the ground laid a messenger bag; seemingly abandoned there by its owner, the flap open, a few items strewn about the ground. Been as curious as she was, she placed the items back in the bag and held it by its strap; inspecting it closely.
"What's this?" She asked, as if someone would tell her the answer. The contents looked odd, a clear, plastic tube with rubber hosing attached along with a small bottle full of little treats. Or what seemed to be treats... The symbol on the top of the label looked familiar, but foreign at the same time, coupled with a fire type symbol stamped upon it.
Curiosity was only getting the best of her and besides-... Her train of thought stopped as her belly growled, denoting the obvious fact that she was quite hungry. Whatever they did, she'd have to worry about that later, she needed to eat something..."
"It didn't take long for the contents of the bottle to be downed, the Nido gal patting her belly with small satisfaction. She would enjoy the sensation for a brief moment before something hit her like a brick wall, making her drop the messenger bag she held, its contents clattering to the ground once again.
"W-Whoa..!" Was all she could say as the change was so sudden on her body... Before she knew it, her breasts had burgeoned out in size to look like footballs, falling softly as they settled; her body jerking as forces below tugged at her. Moments later she'd become a full fledged herm, the symbol of the gender making sense now...
"But what about the fir- Oh no..." She'd gasp sharply as her tail squirmed, elongating out, longer and longer until it was significantly longer; fire sprouting out of the tip proudly. It seemed it was intended for a Charizard, but she wouldn't realize this fully, just yet."
"At this stage, before anything else could happen, instinct told her to use what else came in the bag, slotting that tube onto her newly gained penis, slowly throbbing and swelling along with those balls she'd acquired. She couldn't really reach anywhere else with the tube but her nethers; which she shrugged off the shyness... She might be able to have some fun with this... right? Smirking deviously, she slotted it between her nether lips, quivering a little. Before too long, pre eagerly started to filter through the device, right back into her and it was more fast acting than anyone could've imagined! Her belly was already filling up nice and round!
"Nnh.. So fast..!~" She'd comment as she grasped the sides of her inflating middle, not ready for another change to hit her. Two wings sprouted proudly from her shoulder blades, flapping softly as they settled into place, looking very akin to a Charizards, making this Nidorina part Charizard, now. She couldn't say how much was left to change in her, or how much bigger she'd get, but she felt more coming..."
"It was not long after all these realizations and another spurt of growth from her cock, balls and breasts that she began to indulge in her predicament... Soft moans and gasps could be heard filling the forest clearing, the Nido/Zard herm having been growing taller all this time, she kneeled down to get more room. Her belly was getting rounder faster, it'd seemed like she'd gotten pregnant in the process of all this, not that she wasn't expecting it, of course. The bigger she grew, the more she produced and the more she swelled, what a viscous cycle it was turning out to be!"
"Sitting up, she began to lean back a little, basking in her growth, her breasts and balls free to grow without restraint. Her cock however was starting to press up against the tubing it was sealed within, producing more into the tube as it bulged to accommodate more cum to feed herself with. Her belly quickly passed her other bits in size, doming out steadily.
"How much can I pump into myself?! A-Aaaah..." She'd coo out to anyone who may be listening or have caught her like this. She was still gaining quickly, the end seemed like it wouldn't come, her gains only becoming more rapid with each passing moment!"
"Managing to get back onto her feet, the Nido/Zard quickly realized just how big she'd been growing... Her head brushed into the trees above, having to put an arm around one of the trees to balance. Her offspring seemingly pushed and kicked against her belly, bulging it in various places; her balls and breasts both swelling to be like large beachballs in size; her cock up in the air as the material containing it started to crack and split, getting too big to contain!
"Not much room left... I can feel a HUGE spurt coming, too!" she declared, a huge, giant sensation welling within the core of her body, screaming to let her body become truly ginormous, if what right now was tiny! How big would she get? She was sure to find out in a moment, her tail quivering in anticipation, wings flapping a little."
"The growth seemed to cease, her body was fully free to the open air; her body outgrown the tube milking her, vastly outsizing the forest she was once wandering deep within. The mountains outskirting the forest even were dwarfed by what she had become... Her belly squirmed and bulged with so much life; covering most of the forest below. Her breasts almost matched that in size, her balls in the same boat, so swollen with heavily fertile seed. Her cock, now free of its confines was free to become as large as the rest of her, throbbing idly as she prepared herself for what was to come next, feeling nigh time to give birth to the offspring she carried, her hyper pregnancy not a long one, that was for certain..."
The format this is presented in is quite unorthodox. If the story were be rolled onto the image, though, it would come off as archaic and outdated. I can't really determine how to rate this with enough specificity to rate it at all. I'm not sure the format was bad, per se, but I can certainly say I prefer more balanced presentation.
I would stick with just the writing and go to Hentai Foundry's story section if I were the author. His writing quality far outdoes his illustrations'.