Posted on 18 September 2015, 16:06 by:
Dynellen Posted on 20 September 2015, 18:42 by:
Kastev Score
Base +6, GypsyBastard +6, casurin +7, plam +7, Alias23 +6, rjimenez666 +5, McVander +6, phonejack +6, Incest1234 +8, Hecklion +6, conkikhon +5, anonzgz +3, progste +6, and 58 more...
Posted on 21 September 2015, 02:15 by:
Netorarer Score
Base +6, plam +7, rjimenez666 +5, McVander +6, conkikhon +5, anonzgz +3, the phantom limb +7, AsuraZero +6, scrappy135 +7, Qwerty Bam +5, BitchezBCrayCray +5, Palaxius -30, 1349-Kun +7, and 8 more...
Posted on 21 September 2015, 03:46 by:
HentaiZ Score
Base +9, Qwerty Bam +5, crazy4sian +10
Posted on 21 September 2015, 05:18 by:
Brufh Score
Base +7, Henschel +1, Anonyslime +8, conkikhon +5, anonzgz +3, the phantom limb +7, MyakuGodEater +2, Qwerty Bam +5, BitchezBCrayCray +5, Otaku Soniz +5, crazy4sian +9, sister of mercy +5, rotar zairo -8, and 15 more...
Base +6, anonzgz +3, shckwv +10, generickitty +6, Qwerty Bam +5, BitchezBCrayCray +5, Ativ +6, crazy4sian +9, Bulopu +12, Amauri14 +6, Draw99Gray +15, abrickhouse +5, deadzaku +2, and 6 more...
Base +6, conkikhon +5, anonzgz +3, Mukouda -7, Qwerty Bam -5, Zombie-sama1577 +6, ThanatosNebula76 +8, MyakuGodEater +3, lknd14 +7, crazy4sian +9, sister of mercy +5, Oddsky +3, Bulopu -12, and 6 more...
Base +6, Henschel +1, conkikhon +5, anonzgz +3, the phantom limb +7, Mukouda +7, TheBrojangles +4, Qwerty Bam +5, nowittycomment +8, bennystar124 +4, BitchezBCrayCray +5, firedragon89 +11, crazy4sian +9, and 12 more...
Base +6, conkikhon +5, anonzgz +3, nighthero7 +10, BitchezBCrayCray +5, crazy4sian +9, Bulopu -12, deadarm +6, hoigoigoi +11, Hansuke +7, abrickhouse +5, GypsyBastard +6, somercet +7, and 3 more...
Base +5, conkikhon +5, anonzgz +3, the phantom limb +7, shckwv +10, TheBrojangles +4, nighthero7 +10, Qwerty Bam +5, BitchezBCrayCray +5, MyakuGodEater +3, crazy4sian +9, Bulopu -12, Dink Dragon +7, and 5 more...
Base +3, the phantom limb +7, MyakuGodEater +2, nighthero7 +10, Qwerty Bam +5, Zombie-sama1577 +6, BitchezBCrayCray +5, crazy4sian +9, Bulopu -12, abrickhouse +5, Sle1nde1rma1n -6, rotar zairo -10
Base +1, kenabrxg -5, Otaku Soniz +5, Palaxius -30, p1109 -6, MyakuGodEater -3, Reyatsu -4, crazy4sian -9, saturnine -7, DevilsView -6, Dink Dragon +7, Hansuke -7, NightFireFury -5, and 2 more...
Base +7, crazy4sian +10, The Inker -8, Sle1nde1rma1n -6, rotar zairo -10
Base +7, thatdude923 +6, TheDudes +7, Bulopu +12, redfog -6, shagrak +6, shade0180 +7, SuperGenericAnon +6, shinnt +16, Greykar +9, ilferion +6, Amauri14 +6, crazy4sian +10, and 23 more...
Base +12, Bulopu -12, redfog +6, SuperGenericAnon +6, deadarm +6, Dink Dragon +7, Greykar -9, Animonster -6, crazy4sian -10, Hansuke -7, Edax -6, Arichishi -5, Higaide42 -6, and 11 more...
Base +6, crazy4sian +10, Nivama +6, Hansuke +7, abrickhouse +5, Sle1nde1rma1n +6, rotar zairo +10, nemo_adams +10
Posted on 19 December 2019, 18:44 by:
Anonimuel Score
Base +10, rotar zairo +10
Base +7, The Naughty Shrink -6
Posted on 23 October 2020, 12:25 by:
Witt1862 Score
Base +8, rotar zairo -10
Posted on 16 March 2021, 07:35 by:
Direskys Score
Base +6
Posted on 31 December 2021, 21:08 by:
NEETsoc Score
Base +5