Posted on 22 September 2015, 15:37 by:
Anduin91 Score
Base +9, The Chronicler +7, IMNC -6, Zelinko +8, ShadowMKII -6, Victor DoUrden +13, the observer +7, qwopqwop -9, fazmo +5, Daktyl198 +7, whiteparadox3 +6, Feladrance +4, Finnish_Nationalist +6, and 2 more...
Base +12, sgt_akiyama +32, crazymagic +11, momo1125 +8, BiN4RY +6, RedX07 +5, Fofotron +6, Finnish_Nationalist +6
Posted on 22 September 2015, 16:53 by:
Alurker Score
Base +6, GibbyWibby +5, the observer +7, Equilibrant +7, rotar zairo +7, susu_357 +6, RedX07 +5, Kiritsugu-san +6, Ativ +6, Person8 +7, lolgay2 +8, Gim-Li +10, Fofotron +6, and 3 more...
Base +11, shadeofred +6, ilef +7, Jalis +7, Shyamal +6, Laharl_EAC +9, Nexev +7, user00 +7, Xandurz +8, kitsunefox21 +6, TanoshiMoose +6, ShadowMKII +6, zinos6 +8, and 113 more...
Posted on 22 September 2015, 18:09 by:
dnbdave Score
Base +28, Laharl_EAC +9, user00 +7, Xandurz +8, ShadowMKII +6, the observer +7, INeedToPee2 +5, HodorHodor +7, LoliSakuya +6, daisuki +6, GypsyBastard +6, Ulpa +8, silentspring +7, and 6 more...
Base +10, ShadowMKII +6, AN1337 -6, the observer +7, Fofotron +6, m0ch4 +6
Base +6, user00 -7, @Inkblot -9, Subzero96 -6, AN1337 -6, Soyungundam -6
Base +6, Nexev +7, user00 +7, onlyregistere -11, hojii -7, Fofotron +6, Bedlam11 +6
Posted on 22 September 2015, 22:30 by:
Gitami Score
Base +10, kitsunefox21 +6, the observer +7, Fofotron +6
Base +6, TUSF +4, atomicpuppy +28, bucket90 +6, silentspring +7, kamxtor +7, Voiderer +5, Fofotron +6
Base +6, silentspring +7, Fofotron +6
Base +5, Victor DoUrden +13, Tuldok +6, atomicpuppy +28, the observer +7, piros +10, silentspring +7, zaqxswzaqa +6, Fofotron +6, shinnt +18
Base +1, silentspring +7, Fofotron +6, Ueuz +6
Base +4, Fofotron +6, Ueuz +6
Posted on 12 October 2019, 19:19 by:
PanHun Score
Base +45