Posted on 25 September 2015, 00:38 by:
hihohahi Base +9, 10K_Jack +7, Kanuro5 +6, Zas921 +6, fillin +6, GelOKS +7, Kazuar +7, Fighnjaci +8, delborg +10, Kereghan +12, Beane +7, kobatochandaisuki +6, melios +5, and 85 more...
Base +5, kenabrxg +4, atomicpuppy +28, sakurasaku +6, Kazuar +7, SCSS +16, Fighnjaci +8, Kereghan +12, gguy123 +9, ShadowMKII +6, sable1 +17, moemoeko +5, noob30000 +6, and 47 more...
Base +7, Person8 +7, blunt005 -6, inkarian21 -6, Entaih -8, Enki17 +9, NailB +13
Posted on 25 September 2015, 03:34 by:
theexile Score
Base +7, GelOKS +7, Anonyslime +8, Extra Output Zero -4, JJPG +6, pond39267 +6, kerokami -6, Reasons2B +6
Posted on 25 September 2015, 04:20 by:
Brodon Score
Base +6, atomicpuppy +28, Watsaz +8, gguy123 +9, shuntensatsu +13, kobatochandaisuki +6, ShadowMKII +6, melios +5, Junkie 2002 +6, noob30000 +6, 1349-Kun +7, CrossD +14, JackoLatern +7, and 36 more...
Posted on 25 September 2015, 04:41 by:
gigaskill Score
Base +6, doctordoctordoctor -6, g0su -14, vus +7, luisao79 -7, AncientPhoenix +7, LordPMan +7, Dyhern +10, goophergoopher +6, inkarian21 -6, Encuilion +5, Hansuke +7, swordpaladin +8, and 2 more...
Posted on 25 September 2015, 05:12 by:
izpekopon Score
Base +6, sakurasaku +6, Junkie 2002 +6, JackoLatern +7, Anonyslime +8, godischinese +8, JJPG +6, 151132 +7, MrSeyker +6, Zaddur +1, inkarian21 +6, Sentor +6, Hansuke +7, and 4 more...
Posted on 25 September 2015, 05:42 by:
Tagxo Score
Base +1, luisao79 -7, JackoLatern -7, LegoArielFanMaster -8, TsunaKoo -2, JJPG -6, Hansuke +7, inkarian21 -6, Zombie-sama1577 -6, asde22 +5, Reasons2B -6
Posted on 25 September 2015, 07:50 by:
G.L. Score
Base +6, Giangiotto +7, luisao79 +7, JARP -8, Extra Output Zero -4, MrSeyker +6, EiNyx +6, inkarian21 +6, Zombie-sama1577 +6, JJPG +6, Teacup6 +5, pond39267 +6
Base +6, luisao79 +7, titoloco -7, gaging0 +9, SkitZoFrenic +10, LegoArielFanMaster -8, Hansuke -7, TsunaKoo +2, Extra Output Zero -4, onlyregistere +11, rotar zairo -7, JJPG +6, lymasa +5, and 18 more...
Posted on 25 September 2015, 16:09 by:
b3ta Score
Base +4, Eliiik +7, Zombie-sama1577 +6, keihirotan +7
Base +6, luisao79 +7, JARP -8, LegoArielFanMaster -8, TsunaKoo +2, Extra Output Zero -4, patokite91 +7, onlyregistere +11, MrSeyker +6, Zaddur +1, EiNyx +6, inkarian21 +6, Sentor -6, and 14 more...
Posted on 26 September 2015, 03:26 by:
wehasband Score
Base +16, JackoLatern +7, 151132 +7, Hansuke +7, keihirotan +7, CrossD +16, tobeunforgiven2 +21, Reasons2B +6
Base +7, disposable.respect +5, inkarian21 -6, Hansuke +7, NailB +13, tobeunforgiven2 +21, Reasons2B -6
Posted on 29 September 2015, 09:39 by:
Loafhero Score
Base +3, TsunaKoo -2, Hansuke +7
Base +6, inkarian21 -6, Hbpandaa +5, Hansuke +7, tobeunforgiven2 +21
Posted on 11 October 2015, 16:34 by:
darts777 Score
Base +5, Onisk +5, scrappy135 +7
Base +7, inkarian21 +6, Hansuke +7, Zombie-sama1577 +6
Posted on 13 October 2015, 22:24 by:
Knocks Score
Base +6, Meta3 +6, godischinese +8, hswhat +6, Hansuke -7, MrSeyker +6, ZHKC21 +6, ladiesman4427 +6, Zaddur +1, EiNyx +6, inkarian21 +6, BlueThree +7, Zombie-sama1577 +6, and 18 more...
Base +4, inkarian21 +6, Hansuke -7, Zombie-sama1577 +6, JJPG +6, swyurilover +6, rockingoldensamurai +6, Reasons2B +6
Posted on 06 November 2015, 18:52 by:
Nicaea2 Score
Base +2, inkarian21 -6, AleXstheDark +5, Lloydyykun -6, Reasons2B -6
Base +6, tensaikid +7, Hansuke +7, Zombie-sama1577 +6, SecretiveGamer +3, Reasons2B -6
Posted on 29 November 2015, 08:21 by:
penith Score
Base +2, Hansuke +7, Zombie-sama1577 +6, JJPG +6, Enki17 +9, Kuki_Hideo +3, Reasons2B +6
Posted on 10 December 2015, 11:52 by:
charkong Score
Base +5, tensaikid -7, Hansuke -7, Zombie-sama1577 +6, homerillo +6, Enki17 +9, Gui Cogo +21, tobeunforgiven2 +21
Posted on 17 December 2015, 18:46 by:
chaos98 Score
Base +6, JJPG +6, Gui Cogo +21
Posted on 19 December 2015, 05:35 by:
aacaap Score
Base +3, homerillo +6, JJPG +6, TheDuke07 -6, daxterk -6, DarthVantos -6, shadowlancer2000 +6, toysrus +5, Enki17 +9, Gargamuza -6, Diadalos +6, Gui Cogo +21, rockingoldensamurai +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 24 December 2015, 05:22 by:
tats3 Score
Base +1, JJPG +6, NailB +13
Posted on 27 June 2017, 08:01 by:
Damoriel Score
Base +6, NailB +13, inkarian21 -6, Reasons2B -6
Posted on 17 May 2019, 06:47 by:
Ilyia Score
Base +7