Posted on 01 October 2015, 00:26 by:
Nouz Posted on 01 October 2015, 00:59 by:
G1Sixshot Score
Base +6, Fighnjaci +8, Abweichung +6, DarrenC123 +6, betoanime +7, Fear-Darkness +6, Erranty +8, TakashiTM +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, duhuhuhu +6, The Ultramind +6, vernalcash +7, Feladrance +3, and 65 more...
Posted on 01 October 2015, 01:20 by:
baadar Score
Base +7, Erranty +8, duhuhuhu +6, toysrus +5, kirakabuki +6, Bio-Hazard -5, Sebos +7, Ativ +6, Keirnoth +6, GNU/Linux +8, HodorHodor +7, Quey +6, Qwerty Bam +5, and 4 more...
Base +1, kahn0219 -6, Not-Phen0xyethanol +2, toysrus +5, Bio-Hazard -5, YuriKid -6, Ativ +6, 5lut +7, Keirnoth +6, Swimmingly +6, Fwooshness +3, magness +6, Crimson Savior +6, and 10 more...
Posted on 01 October 2015, 02:23 by:
hon. Score
Base +5, Not-Phen0xyethanol +2, duhuhuhu +6, Feladrance +3, Bio-Hazard -5, Yuyu90 +6, Keirnoth +6, rayvune +6, Fwooshness +3, magness +6, Crimson Savior +6, Qwerty Bam +5, Egman007 +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 01 October 2015, 02:58 by:
ns23 Score
Base +6, Not-Phen0xyethanol +2, Bio-Hazard -5, Yuyu90 +6, Qwerty Bam +5, lesbogal +7
Base +8, Dace Vigilance +7, betoanime +7, Erranty +8, TakashiTM +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, toysrus +5, Feladrance +3, Dragonax +7, kirakabuki +6, Dibbz +6, Ero_Otoko +8, Bio-Hazard -5, and 56 more...
Posted on 01 October 2015, 05:16 by:
Dan75 Score
Base +9, Bio-Hazard -5, Yuyu90 +6, Keirnoth +6, Qwerty Bam +5, Egman007 +6, Dydelhaert +7
Base +7, Bio-Hazard -5, Keirnoth +6, Bulopu +11, Qwerty Bam +5, Quey +6, ayanamiame +6, Dydelhaert +7, HodorHodor +7, shuntensatsu +14, saturo96 +6, Cyllinus +7, Indricothere -6
Posted on 01 October 2015, 11:46 by:
Base +6, Bio-Hazard -5, Yuyu90 +6, Keirnoth +6, Qwerty Bam +5, salimguy +6, shuntensatsu +14
Posted on 01 October 2015, 21:50 by:
Loccsta Score
Base +6, Keirnoth +6, HodorHodor +7, magness +6, Qwerty Bam +5, Zolnerowich -7, pazoozoo -7, xxxdudebroman -5, ihaveentered -8, manon -6, Hyoros -9, way2hard -11, verypeeved -6, and 3 more...
Base +3, Keirnoth +6, Qwerty Bam +5, Dydelhaert +7
Posted on 02 October 2015, 08:44 by:
auxfacc Score
Base +7, Keirnoth +6, Qwerty Bam +5, Egman007 +6, Dydelhaert +7, shuntensatsu +14, 123ostmaster +6, openminded20 +6
Base +6, HodorHodor +7, J-Eye +6, Qwerty Bam +5, Quey +6, Zolnerowich +7, Dydelhaert +7, shuntensatsu +14, openminded20 +6, Indricothere -6
Posted on 05 October 2015, 21:07 by:
whade Score
Base +6, Qwerty Bam +5, Zolnerowich +7, pazoozoo +7, salimguy +6, verypeeved +6
Base +6, Swimmingly +6, Qwerty Bam +5
Posted on 20 October 2015, 23:21 by:
marcko Score
Base +7, ElementFD +23, Narineko +7, Anony12788 +9, Gitami +10, Mister Guest +8, generickitty +6, Crimson Savior +6, Qwerty Bam +5, Magrinho5 +16, Egman007 +6, Dydelhaert +7, HodorHodor +8, and 3 more...
Base +5, generickitty +6, Qwerty Bam +5, Zolnerowich +7, Magrinho5 +16, Egman007 +6, shotamaru +6, pingui7 +5, Dydelhaert +7, joe654 +6, salimguy +6, CalTheDrummer +8, gravalpea +8, and 3 more...
Posted on 15 November 2015, 08:17 by:
xhion25 Score
Base +7, Qwerty Bam +5, Magrinho5 +16, ayanamiame +6, HodorHodor +7, CalTheDrummer +8, shuntensatsu +14, Hyoros +9
Posted on 09 January 2016, 19:12 by:
Smakrakki Score
Base +6, Egman007 +6, Dydelhaert +7, verypeeved +6
Posted on 10 January 2016, 17:45 by:
Satoru Score
Last edited on 20 January 2016, 17:40.
Base +6, cheys +5, pazoozoo +7, verypeeved +6, bilinked +6
Base +4, salimguy +6, ihaveentered +8, Hyoros +9, verypeeved +6, Kritz +6
Base +6, Hyoros -9, verypeeved +6, Indricothere -6
Base +3, lymasa -6, Kisses -7, gravalpea -8, saturo96 -6, 123ostmaster -6, Hyoros -9, verypeeved -6, fapsatlightspeed -6, dmitryf -11, paradox0001 -7, Broken Sigil -15, lesbogal -7
Posted on 25 February 2017, 23:17 by:
arms98 Score
Base +6, Hyoros -9
Posted on 05 April 2017, 04:58 by:
plasss Score
Base +7, Hyoros -9, verypeeved +6, Berkut v3 +7, Indricothere -6
Last edited on 23 March 2021, 11:43.
Base +7, robrobrobrob +6, Lilisionnach +2, Broken Sigil +15