Posted on 04 October 2015, 23:22 by:
LD0ne Score
Last edited on 05 October 2015, 21:27.
Base +8, Faval +21, kingra1 +5, Elevens +6, giygaskiller +6, Jago Smith +6, jamrock1876 +6, lavajava12 +6, vitrinh07 +7, Hirumm +6, oneiwonder +7, gath875 +7, kriss +7, and 33 more...
Base +3, Elevens -6, giygaskiller -6, kenabrxg -4, Bio-Hazard -5, lavajava12 -6, Hirumm -6, Xion Rabbit -7, kingra1 -5, Cattapratta +8, Epion -11, lost-in-thought -6, VyceSin -6, and 5 more...
Posted on 05 October 2015, 05:20 by:
outlaw86 Score
Base +4, Naughtynaughty +6, Bio-Hazard -5, lost-in-thought -6, narfen +7, someguy3000 +4, Paizurikin -9, Dimitro -6, Denys-kun -6, Denjiro +10, legolas01 +7, CountTentacula +5, Iroald +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 05 October 2015, 11:37 by:
knop Score
Base +11, Naughtynaughty +6, Bio-Hazard -5, lost-in-thought -6, narfen +7, dexetus +6, someguy3000 +4, Petedash -6, Paizurikin -9, timdonehy200 -6, Denys-kun -6, zeter +5, Denjiro +10, and 6 more...
Posted on 05 October 2015, 13:45 by:
WildPrey Score
Base +5, Bio-Hazard -5, lost-in-thought -6, DarkSideOfTheWall +4, narfen +7, 2 FAST 4 U -6, Cattapratta +8, Paizurikin +9, timdonehy200 -6, Denys-kun -6, Denjiro +10, SciFiMisc +6
Posted on 05 October 2015, 14:11 by:
Jycool Score
Base +9, Bio-Hazard -5, narfen +7, VyceSin -6, someguy3000 +4, Paizurikin -9, molten1 -7, fallicious +7, Denjiro +10, Jram +13, Anontalkwarrior +6, robdelobe +6, Iroald +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 05 October 2015, 14:42 by:
sukasak Score
Base +7, Smittens +4, malkymoos -6, Bio-Hazard +5, EMPERiO -7, bwanacumlately +7, lost-in-thought +6, DarkSideOfTheWall +4, narfen -7, dexetus -6, someguy3000 -4, Aretak -6, McVander +6, and 21 more...
Posted on 05 October 2015, 16:13 by:
knolden9 Score
Base +6, narfen -7, VyceSin +6, dexetus -6, someguy3000 -4, Aretak -6, Denys-kun +6, Cattapratta -8, Sheras +6, Hilarity +6, Paizurikin +9, Gixz +4, Irrsinn -6, and 16 more...
Posted on 05 October 2015, 18:21 by:
lapan Score
Base +7, Cattapratta -8, Aldanders +6, Hilarity +6, Bio-Hazard +5, timdonehy200 +6, kellhus +6, BrainBrian +4, Denjiro -10, Ibelieveinmiracles -7, Jram -13, robdelobe +6, kkmsd +4
Posted on 05 October 2015, 22:31 by:
tiamat234 Score
Base +6, someguy3000 +4, Cattapratta +8, Paizurikin -9, Bio-Hazard -5, Mr_Hollow -6, timdonehy200 -6, Denys-kun -6, Denjiro +10, Lanko +7, CountTentacula +5, Anontalkwarrior +6, Iroald +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 05 October 2015, 22:46 by:
Ignis256 Score
Base +8, someguy3000 +4, McVander +6, Cattapratta +8, Hilarity +6, Paizurikin -9, Bio-Hazard -5, Denys-kun -6, Denjiro +10, CountTentacula +5, Iroald +6, TheGoodGiggle +12, StormofGreed +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, someguy3000 +4, Paizurikin -9, Bio-Hazard -5, Denys-kun -6, Denjiro +10, Ibelieveinmiracles +7
Base +7, McVander +6, Cattapratta +8, someguy3000 +4, Ibelieveinmiracles +7, Iroald +6
Posted on 06 October 2015, 08:57 by:
Renocraft Score
Base +6, someguy3000 +4, Paizurikin -9, Bio-Hazard -5, timdonehy200 -6, dexetus +6, Denys-kun -6, Denjiro +10, maugham +6
Posted on 06 October 2015, 09:54 by:
Zeikfried Score
Last edited on 07 October 2015, 00:55.
Base +12, Quote Marks +6, kingra1 +5, someguy3000 +4, Paizurikin +9, Denys-kun +6, ShowMehYaMoves +1
Base +6, TheSpiralBear +6, kingra1 +5, someguy3000 +4, Gixz +4, DrDtroit +6, Mr_Hollow +6, timdonehy200 +6, Denys-kun -6, Ibelieveinmiracles +7, legolas01 +7, AsukaBestGirl +5, ShowMehYaMoves +1, and 2 more...
Posted on 06 October 2015, 12:02 by:
triplebbb Score
Base +7, Paizurikin +9, Petedash +6, timdonehy200 +6, Bane13 +41, Ost666 +6
Posted on 06 October 2015, 12:19 by:
blakfayt Score
Base +17, kingra1 +5, Aldanders +6, randomguyhere +6, Sheras +6, laharl san -6, Hilarity +6, dersied -9, Rubyfruit Pixie +6, Paizurikin -9, Dimitro -6, SpapasaSups +3, Bio-Hazard +5, and 24 more...
Base +7, kingra1 +5, laharl san +6, dersied +9, someguy3000 +4, Paizurikin +9, SpapasaSups +3, Bio-Hazard -5, Gixz +4, hamlord +6, Tofu delivery -7, zeter +5, Denjiro +10, and 7 more...
Base +13, someguy3000 +4, Bio-Hazard -5, Denjiro +10, Expidious +6, Iroald +6
Posted on 06 October 2015, 18:47 by:
yiy Score
Base +4, someguy3000 +4, Dimitro -6, Bio-Hazard -5, PersonaFan08 -14, Denjiro +10, AsukaBestGirl -5, kkmsd -4, maugham -6
Base +6, someguy3000 +4, Paizurikin -9, Bio-Hazard -5, Insanity4362 +5, timdonehy200 -6, Denjiro +10, killerrabbit1 +7
Base +7, someguy3000 +4, Paizurikin -9, kingra1 +5, StormofGreed +4, Bio-Hazard -5, Denjiro +10, Iroald +6, animekid9000 +6, jsnormandy +8, Jram +17, TheGoodGiggle +12, SciFiMisc +6
Posted on 07 October 2015, 09:34 by:
yadua Score
Base +7, Cattapratta -8
Posted on 07 October 2015, 19:19 by:
VaryEx Score
Base +7, StormofGreed +4, Ibelieveinmiracles +7, AsukaBestGirl +5, Iroald +6, demonking7 +6, TheGoodGiggle +12
Posted on 21 October 2015, 01:35 by:
Jimbe Score
Base +5, PersonaFan08 -14, magnus +7, akaaoi +6, animekid9000 +6, jsnormandy +8, Jram +17, SciFiMisc +6, robdelobe +6, maugham +6, TheGoodGiggle +12
Posted on 18 January 2016, 09:56 by:
bhodorbox Score
Base +5, DwarvenRivendell -6
Base +6, Iroald +6, animekid9000 +6, jsnormandy +8
Posted on 29 October 2016, 16:30 by:
zapoza616 Score
Base +1
Posted on 19 September 2017, 14:17 by:
Rugalheid Score
Base +4