Red's ramblings: I love Scrapped Princess, such a great show. Shame there are so few h-works based on it. Finally, got one of the few we were missing (2004-10-01 vintage, con unknown). Thanks to TZERNA AIRLINES for fulfilling my /bounty.php?bid=5609 While in the end it is just a short and averagely drawn Pacifica & Leo story, it is still one of the better SP we have (sigh). I would do a lot for a proper Raquel or Zefir dojin... Sad thing is, according to mugi ( there is nothing left but one or two non-h books :(
Oh, and if any TL is interested in TL this, EHCOVE can edit it and pay in GP/hath/credits/etc. PM me for details.
8) You can buy GP for credits at The GP Exchange here: /exchange.php?t=gp
We are always recruiting editors, proofeaders and translators for EHCOVE. If you are interested, come by the Cove of Translators in the forums and introduce yourself.