Base +7, bigbellylover +5, LegoArielFanMaster +8, somerandomdude33 +6, Mitsutsubo +8, Lostalgia +5, Clitoman +5, TheOldDeus +2, Akrioz +6, Hyoros -7
Posted on 23 October 2015, 07:19 by:
parity Score
Base +7, bigbellylover -5, furryyuri +7, somerandomdude33 +6, Rig_Veda +8, Brickster -16, Centifolia +10, muffinfucker +8, EzioAltair14 +8, Romi the Byzantine -6, Lin84210 +5, Big McLargehuge +6, tester545 -7, and 18 more...
Posted on 23 October 2015, 08:07 by:
dnbdave Score
Base +28, herpderp5545 +7, gguy123 +9, falconx0101 +6, @43883 +34, EzioAltair14 +8, tester545 +7, LOLSpark1 +6, the phantom limb +7, Lostalgia +5, Clitoman +5, BFBK +5, GentlemanJohnson +7, and 5 more...
Base +5, gguy123 +9, muffinfucker -8, EzioAltair14 +8, zirpcev +6, Akrioz -6, TheOldDeus +2, Hyoros +7
Posted on 23 October 2015, 08:51 by:
Rmdh Score
Base +6, herpderp5545 +7, muffinfucker -8, KumagawaM +6, Mitsutsubo +8, Latson4 +6, LOLSpark1 +6, Kona-chan +7, snakenbacon -6, Lostalgia +5, Clitoman +5, BFBK +5, GentlemanJohnson +7, and 2 more...
Posted on 23 October 2015, 12:10 by:
kaiseryuu Score
Base +6, muffinfucker -8, Romi the Byzantine +6, TheOldDeus +2
Posted on 23 October 2015, 12:52 by:
Factsies Score
Base +6, EzioAltair14 +8, Romi the Byzantine -6, Hodr +9, ninjadragon +12, Mitsutsubo -8, Akrioz +6, Latson4 +6, LOLSpark1 +6, xmagus +18, wavedash +17, Lostalgia +5, halfwise +5, and 8 more...
Posted on 23 October 2015, 17:47 by:
Dave2810 Score
Base +9, Romi the Byzantine -6, TheOldDeus +2, Hyoros -7
Base +1, zirpcev +6, herpderp5545 +7, Lostalgia +5, Romi the Byzantine +6, SnapDragin +6, Cornmeister -7, EvaOtaku07 -9, TheOldDeus +2, RefinedFapper +5, micchaelfan +6
Posted on 25 October 2015, 18:27 by:
guy6359 Score
Base +6, Wilfriback -6, nameress -6, SnapDragin -6, TheOldDeus -2, Slothscrape +4, Palaxius -30, Hyoros -7
Base +1, Kona-chan +7, somebodyelse_ +11, Clitoman +5, Romi the Byzantine -6, GentlemanJohnson +7, snakenbacon -6, SnapDragin +6, Cornmeister -7, TheOldDeus +2, Wilfriback -7, Aznollaz +7, micchaelfan +6, and 3 more...
Last edited on 26 October 2015, 07:34.
Base +1, Kona-chan +7, BFBK +5, ridvid1313 -6, darienkd -9, ectweak +5, Cornmeister -7, aphoticsonata +5, TheOldDeus +2, xDraygon +6, Hyoros -7, SpencerSDH +6
Base +1, Kona-chan +7, BFBK +5, Markou +5, TheOldDeus +2, Hyoros -7, MercuryLamp +9, aramil31 +5
Base +1, EvaOtaku07 -9, TheOldDeus -2, Romi the Byzantine +6
Posted on 27 October 2015, 13:26 by:
werty101 Score
Base +13, EvaOtaku07 +9, TheOldDeus +2, takahashitencho +9
Base +5, TheOldDeus +2, Romi the Byzantine -6, Slothscrape +4, Odacchi -5, Hyoros -7
Posted on 27 November 2017, 04:08 by:
DJ_Puchuu Score
Base +12, Romi the Byzantine +7