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[Ritts] Speed Mating [Ongoing]

Posted:2015-11-04 20:12
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:33.03 MiB
Length:22 pages
Favorited:277 times
Average: 4.28
This gallery has been replaced; tags can no longer be added on this version.

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Ritts] Speed Mating [Ongoing], added 2015-11-16 02:15
[Ritts] Speed Mating [Ongoing], added 2015-12-08 14:31
[Ritts] Speed Mating, added 2016-01-30 14:34

Showing 1 - 22 of 22 images

Posted on 08 June 2015, 01:07 by:   hermit20    PM
Score +64
To say that she has massive tits would be an understatement
Posted on 09 June 2015, 14:29 by:   Daneasaur    PM
Score +70
I got banned from the artist's gallery because I kept asking why the snaggletoothed thing (that is apparently supposed to be a polar bear) was so damn ugly when the artist can do such better formed characters. The only "answer" I got was "it's a female" and then i was subsequently banned from commenting.

Much laughter ensued.
Posted on 21 June 2015, 09:30 by:   MARMIST    PM
Score +4
@Daneasaurus, yeah sometimes these artists are such bitches
Posted on 21 June 2015, 11:43 by:   animasouloss    PM
Score -6
Artists are there own harshest critic, the last thing they want is someone who has no idea of there struggles to judge there work. If you wanted to give positive feedback "you can do better" does not count as constructive criticism.
Posted on 21 June 2015, 20:56 by:   Mrsuperhappy    PM
Score +76
@animasouloss, The last thing they want is someone judging their work? too bad, you put you work out there it is going to be judged 'you can do better' may not be an ideal critique, but if it was said in view of comparing it to other works of the same artist as it sounds like it was, then it was a valid question to ask why it was below standard.
Posted on 20 July 2015, 05:03 by:   ytrewqgod    PM
Score +72
Polar bear is a chick...
Posted on 03 August 2015, 01:24 by:   Slartiparpfast    PM
Score +93
'Kept asking the same question and calling the character ugly.' Yeah, the artist is the one with a problem, here.
Posted on 03 August 2015, 06:21 by:   JAOOTPYKHA    PM
Score +58
The polar bear is -not- ugly.. she's butch. She's supposed to look manly and rough around the edges. The absolute best thing about Ritts' work is just how different all the characters are. They have body types and facial constructions that have imperfections just like people do in real life. I feel it makes the characters all the more believable and relatable. Obviously these characters aren't meant to be perfect and so.. just calling them ugly isn't productive and is basically saying the style choices are shite. Which you're by all means free to do, but isn't very nice.
Posted on 04 September 2015, 18:05 by:   Antwonious    PM
Score -7
WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S A FUCKING FEMALE??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? oh cool
Posted on 06 September 2015, 04:12 by:   Darlumina    PM
Score +51
Is it wrong that I want to have sex with the polar bear even though she doesn't seem to be into guys.

@Daneasaur I'm gonna side with ritts. She ain't some big busty flower girl she is a tall masculine butch polar bear. You say he could do better while I'm of the opinion that she looks fine as is.
Last edited on 06 September 2015, 07:30.
Posted on 06 September 2015, 22:17 by:   Daneasaur    PM
Score -39
You misunderstand. I'm sitting there, looking at the character going "what is this? What IS this thing supposed to be? Why is it so snaggletoothed? Why is that nose so fucking huge?" he can do muscular females. Look at Rochell. Look at his gator chicks. he can make them fuckhuge with no tits and they still are unmistakably female. This? i couldn't even tell what species it was. I kept asking and wondering why the character was so snaggletoothed, why it was so badly proportioned when all his other works were fantastic. "It's a female..." and then a ban is not a way to get a message across other than "I'm an insecure little prick who can't stand an opinion I personally don't approve of in my hugbox."

Of course, his other currently running comic is cuckoldry extreme, so it's clear ritts lost any sense of taste.
Posted on 05 October 2015, 02:26 by:   windandghosts    PM
Score +66
Dane I've seen you going on about this on at least two places. Looks like YOU'RE the one looking for a hug box.
Posted on 20 October 2015, 06:15 by:   Veral    PM
Score +16
yeah, I knew that polar bear was a chick
Posted on 05 November 2015, 01:00 by:   Daneasaur    PM
Score -12
@windandghosts if i was looking for a hugbox, i'd sit on some place like skype. As it is, i know my statement won't be popular, because i'm throwing my statement into ritts submissions here. I was denied a proper conversation with them and i want everyone to know that ritts is a prick and would rather block an insult people than give any sort of explanation.

by the way, the main thing about this comic that I dislike is that the "polar bear" is quite the arrogant asshole, yet sadly we don't have a tag for that.
Posted on 05 November 2015, 11:02 by:   Thadaeus    PM
Score -14
I've looked over a fair amount of Ritt's work and I think a lot of people are being unnecessarily generous. Putting the specific kinks aside (because saying something like open relationships and pregnancy are gross is useless), I really don't think this is a very good style. I am in agreement with Dane that it's really hard to tell that that polar bear was a polar bear.

It's not even about gender, it doesn't really matter since most of the sex has been kissing/oral on the part of the polar bear. It's just that the way the character's faces are drawn combines the worst parts of the snout camp of anthros and the unlikable personality the polar bear has in general. This just isn't a good story here at all.

The other one, "Expecting Company", is a little more interesting in terms of writing, but the way that every character's snout has this dip in the middle and then curves upwards is just... overly cartoony. Maybe it's just that I prefer my anthros to be a little more humanoid, without snouts if possible and without the Disney-eyes that you see in a lot of places (especially older anthro drawings). It's just not appealing to me.

I have also dealt with artists who are on the sensitive/abrasive side as well. Some of them surround themselves with legions of fans that shower them with nothing but praise and what, even in the most generous sense, could not be described as positive criticism, just compliments veiled as advice. When faced with any sort of actual criticism (simple or not), they react poorly because they've become spoiled. I have no experience with Ritts in this regard, but judging by the other comments, I'm inclined to think that this might be the case with her/him as well.
Posted on 05 November 2015, 12:31 by:   jimbo21    PM
Score -9
@Thadaeus Yea, artists need to keep themselves grounded. It happens too often that one will surround himself with fanboys and yes men that they build up this idea that they can do no wrong. I had a run-in with one such artist recently and it was beyond frustrating. Writes characters like a sexually frustrated, angsty middle schooler and didn't understand that readers are allowed to judge their characters based on their actions and motivations and cried about how they're not perfect when I pointed out massive story flaws. But the artist isn't all to blame. Fans need to stop sucking so much dick and praising artists for trash. Nothing is perfect and criticism is not going to kill anybody. You are contributing to the stagnation and decline of an artist by trying to shield them from critique.
Posted on 07 November 2015, 15:09 by:   jinash    PM
Score +63
@Daneasaur "I was denied a proper conversation with them and i want everyone to know that ritts is a prick and would rather block an insult people than give any sort of explanation."
Your first comment and the first time we ever saw you was by a comment you made on Ritts' Speed Mating 03 on FA where you said "I dunno how you managed to make that bear REALLY fucking ugly, but you did it." Ritts replied "wow, rude! could keep thoughts like that to yourself, bud." You replied with "Actually I'm complimenting your skills overall." Ritts let it slip.

Your next comment was on his Speed Mating 06 on FA- "I can't stand it's underbite." with "it's" italicized. He then blocked you.
Ritts listens to critique, he has already had some in the comments on his submissions on FA. You continually go on e621, here, and likely other places to make comments like this on his work. It's pretty astounding.
Posted on 16 November 2015, 05:54 by:   IHavoc    PM
Score +39
"Cuckoldry = No taste"
You don't even bother to justify that, you're just being blatantly subjective.
Let's not even get into the whole "females must be visibly feminine" and "I can't enjoy a character with negative qualities" bullshit. Everyone wants an artist that draws unique shit until it ends up being stuff they don't like.

There are just as many douchebag critics with a victim complex as there are artists with a victim complex blocking legitimate critics. Presuming one over the other from prior experience is stupid. Time to reveal my own personal bias here but in the furry community it's often both.
I looked at what jinash linked and some of Daneasaur's other comments on top of the bull he's spilled here. He's a tool who's pushy about his opinions. Granted, Ritts may well be an asshole, and I don't believe in bans in general, but if he really is rejecting criticism then his art will stagnate on it's own. From what I'm gathering Daneasaurs opinions in regards to both the comic and the artist are personal shit that I could not give less of a fuck about.

I like the cartoony style. I also like furries on the more realistic end of the spectrum. The wishy washy stuff in between that feels like humans with superficial animal features slapped on for the sake of it bothers me more. I at least feel stuff like this takes that notion the logical conclusion of almost pure animal caricature, which I'm more comfortable with. But I realize that's a pretty intrinsically subjective stance. Don't bother with this "too generous" stuff. It's a niche style, and there are fans, but its also obviously fucking weird. No one's gonna judge you for not liking it, it'd be nice if the reverse was true as well. What's even more hilarious is when there are hypocrites who enjoy the niche works of an artist, and then get all judgmental when other niches are explored as well.

Furry Drama. Do this shit on U-18 where I can't see it

PS Am I weird in being able to tell she was a polar bear? What the hell else could she be?
PPS I don't think skype technically counts as a hugbox.
Posted on 16 November 2015, 12:54 by:   bookie    PM
Score +14
I should have noticed it at page 2 but it took me until page 16 to realize the polar bear was a lady, I have failed hard this day.
Posted on 19 November 2015, 23:29 by:   Daneasaur    PM
Score -21
You will notice that Ritts never actually addressed my questions or statements. I flat out said the thing was ugly and it's so ambiguous inn terms of both gender AND species, I referred to it as "it" because I didn't get a message one way or the other. Why is it snaggletoothed? Why is it a complete and total intolerable asshole? Yes, Ritts has fantastic skill and this and his cuckolding comic are terribly done in contrast to his usual fair. The fact that Ritts couldn't handle my statements, much less ANSWER them beyond "I don't like what you're saying" before blocking me shows how terribly insecure they are about these terribly made comics. They provided no counter argument or statement. So yeah, I'll go to every website, every page, and call out ritts on his bullshit. i hope people get downright sick of me as I follow all the rules and leave irritating yet completely viable comments everywhere.

Even you, a possible friend or maybe even an alt account can't give me anything beyond "it's pretty astounding".

Thank you.

Cuckoldry porn is really poor taste. Swinging is one thing as it means both partners are having sex aside from their lover. Cuckoldry is about some intolerable wuss who sits around watching/listening/otherwise being a spectator to some "hunky alpha" fucking his slut of a wife. What is worse is when someone tries to REASON it, as ritts did with the whole page of "lol I love watching porn and drinking beer". Naylor does it all the time and recently completely destroyed his only remaining well made characters. his excuse? "Oh, feel bad for the poor big bad alpha who mopes around, having to fuck and impregnate wives in front of their pathetic husbands".

It's basically waving a big sign over your head saying "I'm an intolerable moron who doesn't know what his dick is for."

Hey, if that porn turns you on, go for it and enjoy it. I blacklisted naylor because I'm sick of his shit, but he didn't personally do something to me. Ritts did, so I'm calling him out on it.
Posted on 20 November 2015, 14:36 by:   jinash    PM
Score +15
@Daneasaur What questions? You literally didn't ask any questions, you made two comments that were both insulting, Ritts wrote you off as a troll and blocked you after the second comment, that's why I find it astounding that you're taking this so personally. You don't think asking why a character is "so fucking ugly" and calling them an "it" comes off as insulting? Don't you think instead of outright insults, explaining why you think that way and stating what changes he could make would be better? I don't see any critique in those statements and I don't know how you expected those to come off as questions that he was supposed to answer or justify. You were thought to be a troll, Ritts didn't want to feed the troll.
Posted on 08 December 2015, 22:24 by:   Daneasaur    PM
Score +9
Rather ironic, isn't it? Ritts does great work and i compliment them for several years. They start doing very poor work, I call them out on it, and I'm instantly labeled as a troll.

I think Ritts knows these two currently running stories aren't any good. Take this polar bear character. They are arrogant, they are insulting, they are an asshole, to be blunt, and just not a likable personality, yet we are supposed to be paying attention to them as if there is a redeeming factor to them, when there isn't any.

Ok, switch to the other which is the cuckolding comic. Aside from massive inconsistencies per panel in the faces, ritts took an entire page or two to "rationalize" cuckolding. This is really no different than naylor's half assed attempts, knowing he wrote something shitty and trying to say "no, it's not shitty! seriously!"

It is not hard to make characters we can enjoy. Ritts "cruise ship" comic was most enjoyable as it was a pair of lovers who were simply enjoying eachother.
Posted on 03 August 2016, 06:09 by:   Galboros    PM
Score +12
I just want more of these two.
Posted on 13 October 2017, 12:51 by:   Bookrat15    PM
Score +10
These characters are awesome<3 Well, the piercing is not really my thing but I still love this one.

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