Posted on 28 October 2015, 16:10 by:
JacksHoff Score
Base +5, Zelreth +6, CHDrevolution +7, MUCLUCK +6, kingwolf +19, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, rambo voller +6, elis1412 +6, westlander +7, akoldon +2, Binglo +55, Kenyenzie +6, kingra1 +5, and 64 more...
Base +7, rambo voller -6, blunt005 -6, narfen +7, RoxasSp +6, Iza nagi -4
Posted on 28 October 2015, 17:04 by:
Foxeye Score
Base +6, stabbybelkar +7, fletchlives +8, JonahTHD +6, kingwolf +19, westlander +7, akoldon +2, Beane +7, blunt005 +6, SpapasaSups +3, unnoticed demon +9, Regnells +6, Shylight +6, and 31 more...
Posted on 28 October 2015, 17:10 by:
Astia Score
Base +7, rambo voller -6, blunt005 -6, SpapasaSups -3, xamalac34 -6, narfen -7, Undeadcynic97 -4, Farstarlover -7, halomastah117 -6, ReactFAP -1, freakyshotafreak -6, z7572143z -6
Base +4, Nicaea2 +1, blunt005 +6, reality warper -6, narfen -7, Undeadcynic97 -4, cammoking123 -6, colrum +6, bejita81100 +6, Inuyami +8, Livid Cock +7
Posted on 29 October 2015, 21:12 by:
Sharangir Score
Base +6, westlander +7, blunt005 +6, Marrowfiend +7, narfen -7, TheBrojangles +4, Nicaea2 +2, Senor Pwnage +7, colrum +6, J0J0nnes +1, SonicGTR +6, splitatorium +6, bejita81100 -6, and 5 more...
Posted on 30 October 2015, 02:03 by:
Kanrabat Score
Base +6, ZMTYOU -6, akoldon +2, AlexanderAkai +6, blunt005 -6, SpapasaSups +3, xamalac34 -6, EleFREAKBR +5, Lucie4 -9, narfen -7, TheBrojangles -4, HabaneroJim -12, Undeadcynic97 -4, and 14 more...
Base +4, bighue +6, kaskarudo +7, abc123abc -9, reality warper -6, narfen -7, HabaneroJim +12, Nicaea2 +2, splitatorium +6, bejita81100 +6, Kortol +6, Neposral +5, Livid Cock +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 07 November 2015, 22:13 by:
xenoguy Score
Base +7, SpapasaSups +3, reality warper -6, alkanos1234 +5, narfen -7, dudeman888 +6, palaceofyihasa -5, splitatorium +6, bejita81100 +6, Seiphied -6, Livid Cock +7, BigOOFF +5
Posted on 08 November 2015, 03:53 by:
hermit20 Score
Last edited on 10 November 2015, 07:40.
Base +6, Punisher_Born +3, narfen -7, TheBrojangles +4, alexajke +6, HabaneroJim +12, JackBurn +7, Nicaea2 +2, Undeadcynic97 +4, Senor Pwnage +7, GWright +6, justayolk +5, knucklesluigi +6, and 20 more...
Base +2, freakyshotafreak -6, Oddball -7, Toxic_Tripod0 -6, z7572143z -6, hellspenguin -7, Livid Cock +7, RachelThePanda +8
Posted on 15 December 2015, 08:24 by:
wolfdy Score
Base +7, RachelThePanda -8
Base +1, Oddball -7, z7572143z -6, hellspenguin -7, Livid Cock +7, Rand0mPervert +6, tima33366 +7, RachelThePanda -8, Hyoros -15, Lrnt -6
Posted on 15 January 2018, 15:56 by:
jimandy Score
Base +5, Oddball -7, Toxic_Tripod0 -6, z7572143z -6, hellspenguin -7, RachelThePanda -8