(Mimiket 10) [Oretachi Misnon Ikka (Misnon Blue, Misnon the Great)] Tsuihou Kakugo Ver.9.0 (Crest of the Stars, Kaleido Star, Stellvia of the Universe)
Red's ramblings: Thanks to TZERNA AIRLINES for fulfilling my /bounty.php?bid=5597 bounty, it is my pleasure to share another Misnon's gem. First, we have a Keleido Star story, Sora x Rosetta pairing. Then, a threesome Crest of the Stars: Lafiel, Ekuryua and Jinto. Third story, a bonus (not listed on cover/mugi) is Stellvia's Ayaka Machida x Kōta Otoyama.
I'd be more than happy to sponsor a TL bounty for this, if anyone is interested in providing the script (PM me for details).
8) You can buy GP for credits at The GP Exchange here: /exchange.php?t=gp
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