Red's ramblings: One more share thanks to TZERNA AIRLINES (/bounty.php?bid=5640). Unfortunately, while this is a good dojin overall (and 2003-12-30 vintage saved from obscurity), unlike in parts 1 and 3 I don't even recognize a single character/parody... Sakura Taisen, perhaps? And? If you do, please tag and comment.
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We are always recruiting editors, proofeaders and translators for EHCOVE. If you are interested, come by the Cove of Translators in the forums and introduce yourself.
06-09 Sakura Taisen 10-17 Dragon Quest II to V (only III and IV are valid tags) 18-25 Fire Emblem (Monshou no Nazo & Seisen no Keifu) 26-28 Romancing Saga 29 Final Fantasy V (DO NOT TAG BECAUSE OF PRESENCE RULE)
Last edited on 25 February 2018, 01:22.
Base +35, Floripes +22, Red of EHCOVE +52, observer1980 +21