Base +10, glvdtr +10, The Naughty Shrink +6, Zantos +7, yaque +6, Wilfriback +6, skellybelly +7, Lostalgia +5, Bio-Hazard -5, Iucif3r +6, pactagon +7, RARmaster +7, Someboday -6, and 18 more...
Posted on 14 November 2015, 23:05 by:
masakatsu Score
Base +6, swordpaladin +8, glitcher998 +8, fstgtgc -4, xElemental +12
Posted on 14 November 2015, 23:08 by:
qz89 Score
Base +10, kenabrxg -5, Wilfriback -6, Person8 +7, Bio-Hazard -5, PersonaFan08 -15, Deorem -6, Foscom +6, Palaxius -30, Elbowsmash -6, specialvphi -8, rediat +5, magness -6, and 7 more...
Base +5, Foscom -6, swordpaladin +8, rediat -5, Dooderz +8
Base +7, Junkie 2002 +6, Flndy +2, Deorem -6, glib24 +6, nowittycomment +7, swordpaladin +8, Wilsoz +7, glitcher998 +8, user00 +7, Anonymous777 -7, xElemental +11, Novanity +7, and 1 more...
Base +9, ateras -6, Foscom -6, Palaxius +33, kingra1 +5, rediat -5, user00 +7, Fills +6, Novanity +7, Entei Nevermore +6
Posted on 15 November 2015, 06:13 by:
saddasads Score
Base +16, Deorem +6, rediat +5, poupou24 +5, znofuture +7, glitcher998 +8, newgroundsluvr +6, SG Lolithia +3, uca1 +7, xElemental +11, Novanity +7, Entei Nevermore +6
Base +12, ateras +6, nowittycomment +7, Kenyenzie +6, rediat +5, Whydoyourcare13 +5, ApatheticMarmot +5, Captian Katsura +7, glitcher998 +8, SG Lolithia +3, xElemental +11, budgieboi +6, Novanity +7, and 2 more...
Base +6, kingra1 +5, rediat +5, mombastical +7, glitcher998 +8, Paintball +8, SG Lolithia +3, xElemental +11, Nathrezim0709 +10, Novanity +7
Base +9, ApatheticMarmot -5, glitcher998 -8, RaizelX -6, Novanity -7, -7, thraycount -14, Gren92747 -7
Posted on 05 January 2016, 00:21 by:
squazz Score
Base +6, Kammo22 +6, Novanity +7, xElemental +12
Base +8, xElemental +11, Novanity +7