Posted on 18 November 2015, 07:57 by:
noobcraft Score
Last edited on 28 May 2023, 05:05.
Base +6, VyceSin -6, 2128 -6, Surly1212 -6, dovahderd -6, Doctor Badguy -6, asterix666 -5, Badrasta +8, batica +6, swat96 -6, Testerbeta -6, ExecutorBill -8, popkakun +6, and 6 more...
Base +5, Trundle -6, VyceSin +6, 2128 +6, Chainerman -6, swat96 +6, Testerbeta +6, ExecutorBill +8, popkakun -6, ancientRED +7, XionXIV +7, Enki17 +9, SilverWolfington +4
Posted on 18 November 2015, 09:40 by:
noobcraft Score
Last edited on 28 May 2023, 05:05.
Base +6, VyceSin -6, 2128 -6, Chainerman +6, Surly1212 -6, sagasghai +8, Badrasta +8, batica +6, Testerbeta -6, popkakun +6, ancientRED -7, butwhyindeed +6, XionXIV -7, and 3 more...
Last edited on 19 November 2015, 21:49.
Base +9, 2128 +6, Chainerman -6, Badrasta -8, asterix666 +5, everettj -7, batica -6, swat96 -6, Testerbeta -6, ExecutorBill +8, muhozhuk +8, ancientRED +7, XionXIV +7, and 3 more...
Posted on 18 November 2015, 15:29 by:
Psydon Score
Base +6, Testerbeta +6, ExecutorBill +8, Chainerman -6, kusarihime +7, XionXIV +7, Enki17 +9, maxed5 +15
Posted on 18 November 2015, 18:14 by:
Sheras Score
Base +6, Badrasta +8, Chainerman +6, muhozhuk +8, randdoggity +7, Enki17 +9, gloriousstalin +6
Posted on 18 November 2015, 20:53 by:
Djeze Score
Base +3, Badrasta -8, 2128 +6, popkakun -6, Chainerman -6, ancientRED +7, randdoggity -7, Enki17 +9, Ikitsumatatsu +12
Posted on 18 November 2015, 20:58 by:
noobcraft Score
Last edited on 28 May 2023, 05:05.
Base +6, Badrasta +8, asterix666 -5, batica +6, 2128 -6, Testerbeta -6, ExecutorBill -8, popkakun +6, Chainerman +6, ancientRED -7, XionXIV -7, Enki17 -9, FrankenTunante -5, and 1 more...
Base +4, Thanatoes +5, Chainerman +6, Enki17 +9
Last edited on 19 November 2015, 22:10.
Base +9, asterix666 +5, everettj -7, Badrasta -8, batica -6, 2128 +6, Testerbeta -6, ExecutorBill +8, Chainerman -6, ancientRED +7, XionXIV +7, Enki17 +9
Posted on 19 November 2015, 22:46 by:
noobcraft Score
Last edited on 28 May 2023, 05:05.
Base +6, asterix666 -5, Badrasta +8, batica +6, 2128 -6, Testerbeta -6, ExecutorBill -8, popkakun +6, Chainerman +6, ancientRED -7, Enki17 -9, Ikitsumatatsu -12, FrankenTunante -5, and 1 more...
Base +9, Badrasta -8, batica -6, 2128 +6, Testerbeta -6, ExecutorBill +8, Chainerman -6, ancientRED +7, XionXIV +7, Enki17 +9
Posted on 22 November 2015, 08:32 by:
away1213 Score
Base +9, XionXIV +7, Enki17 +9
Base +9, Enki17 +9, Ikitsumatatsu +11