Base +7, amurec80 +4, Huy +6, The Old Redguard +6, Tawp15 +6, robertsaltin -7, joabes +10, ShadowDread +4, plosm +7, Martacusso +4, Piculiar +6, achnee42 +4, Wubsvik +6, and 1 more...
Base +21, Compas +7, Huy +6, frogstat +5, heyno +10, robertsaltin +7, joabes +10, ShadowDread +4, Martacusso +4, RARmaster +7, Wubsvik +6, Nezu +32, yupokamusi +6
Posted on 20 November 2015, 06:33 by:
AyeSpy Score
Base +5, amurec80 +4, Huy +6, quandox +6, robertsaltin -7, joabes +10, Wubsvik +6
Posted on 20 November 2015, 20:31 by:
Cman624 Score
Base +1, bobbe -5, joabes -10, jumbogun +6, LmaoZors -6, yupokamusi +6
Posted on 13 October 2018, 09:46 by:
Nutshack Score
Base +5, jumbogun +6, yupokamusi -6