Follow the adventures of four crazy bounty hunters in a quest that will bring them inside a secret war between two kingdoms. And a sufficient amount of sex.
Sadly this first version of our comic is over. But soon will begin on our Patreon the new run with everything remaked. Will be free also soon.
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@imercenary i know i know. we're taking a lot of time to show what we want to show. meanings and explanations will be on kinda page... 20-21 maybe XD meanwhile all of you will have something to what at ,waiting
Thats fair. Its just that a lot of "teasers" get posted here that make no sense whatsoever or are flat-out misleading because the story takes a turn once the "introduction" is over.
If you only posted up to page 5, it would have been safe to say that its a story about living in 'hell'.
If you only posted up to page 7, it would have been safe to say that the story was about to flash forward to "demon girl's life on the surface".
As of page 9, its impossible to guess whether its "SEXAY TIME!" or "lets talk"-time.