Base +6, bigbigman121 +7, yejz +6, spikex99 -5, hibikiyamada +7, LegendaryT +7, JKLNT +3, Vodoka +6, rediat +5, ViviPie +6, YUXLOA +6, Paizurikin -9, amurec80 +4, and 20 more...
Base +6, spikex99 -5, hibikiyamada +7, LegendaryT +7, The Way +10, rediat +5, ViviPie +6, Sir Garland +6, jfragrettel +7, Craw +6
Base +8, bigbigman121 +7, LegendaryT +7, yejz +6, 40% +6, spikex99 -5, =0w0= +7, vuikinh +6, rthrfrd +4, rediat +5, tettenman +6, ViviPie +6, Paizurikin -9, and 24 more...
Posted on 13 December 2015, 00:57 by:
BlackZaku Score
Base +7, rediat +5, tettenman +6, ViviPie +6, LegendaryT +7, kurtis +8, amurec80 +4, joshgrrr +6, Chamma +7, jfragrettel +7
Posted on 13 December 2015, 06:04 by:
aicle Score
Base +6, LegendaryT +7, Roflcakes +6, james_stark -5, pencilfight -6, jfragrettel +7, Luigibotnik +1, Spencer-Pootis +6
Posted on 13 December 2015, 21:51 by:
Darktaka Score
Base +5, james_stark -5, Tsukimaru +22
Posted on 14 December 2015, 07:47 by:
Firesumo Score
Base +6, LegendaryT +7, Sir Garland +6, amurec80 +4, Mikegamer +8, RareTracks +15, titoloco +7, jfragrettel +7, DaymanMasterOfKarate +8, Tsukimaru +22, jmasterchain +9, baguete +6
Posted on 27 December 2015, 15:02 by:
ruukasu Score
Base +6, LegendaryT +7, amurec80 +4, jfragrettel +7, subbesnubben +6, Luigibotnik +1, jmasterchain +9
Posted on 14 January 2016, 05:01 by:
Aed Rex Score
Base +6, LegendaryT -7, HabaneroJim +12, jfragrettel +7, NitroRaikou +3, Luigibotnik +1, Spencer-Pootis +6
Base +7, Saltgunner -9, amurec80 -5, Livid Cock +5, a_n_shanks -5, AlphaSlayer +6, erhiro +6, kulo80 -6, MeloTheYellow +6, Tsukimaru -22, Paff444 -12, Roflcakes -6, saehara -7, and 5 more...
Posted on 01 April 2016, 10:21 by:
plasss Score
Base +7, amurec80 -5, Livid Cock +5, MeloTheYellow +6, Tsukimaru -22, Roflcakes -6, kulo80 -6, Spencer-Pootis +6, Wildflame -6
Base +7, Exicuren +6, amurec80 +5, Marisa Kirisame +7, Tsukimaru +22
Posted on 23 January 2017, 08:10 by:
wheelzero Score
Base +6
Posted on 31 December 2018, 15:36 by:
HF561 Score
Base +6, Beyond Imagination +6, Spencer-Pootis +6, Tyziasnk +2, LocoStranger +6